
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to Spot a Pathological Liar

The term, “liar, liar pants on fire” takes on new meaning when dealing with a pathological liar. This person may not be completely rooted in reality, believing the lies they tell, often in an effort to remedy low self esteem. Unlike telling a few fibs here and there, or slightly exaggerating the truth once in a while, the pathological liar lies about literally every aspect of his or her life. From how much was spent on dinner last night to talking about the last time the dog was bathed, the pathological liar feels that every bit of communication has strategic meaning positioned for his or her gain.

Being lied to on a consistent basis is not only frustrating but also disrespectful to the other person. So how do you determine if you're dealing with someone who may drop a few fibs on occasion versus a true pathological liar? A few clues and steps may help you draw a sensible conclusion.
 Spot a Pathological Liar Step 3 Version 3.jpg
  • Liars like to distance themselves from the subject. Taking Bill Clinton as an example, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," has the two giveaways of "did not" and "that woman" help point out that it's a lie.
  • Liars use qualifying language, like "to tell you the truth."
  • Repeating the question before answering it dishonestly is a common indicator of a lie.
  • Liars look you in the eyes too much. They don't fidget, but rather freeze their upper body.
  • Liars will fake smiles.
  • Liars like to offer details.
  • When liars are the culprits and trying to avoid punishment for what they did, they're more likely to suggest strict punishments for the "real culprit."
  • Liars are terrible at telling their stories backwards.
  • Liars will often point their feet towards an exit.
  • Liars will often put barrier objects between themselves and the person asking them about their lie.

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