
Friday, May 22, 2015

Florida Man Dies After Winning Cockroach-Eating Contest

Edward Archbold was, according to those who met him on Friday night, the life of the party – a bit of a showoff who was up for anything, even a giant cockroach-eating contest.

He won. And then, tragically, he died.
Now police from Deerfield Beach, Fla., about 40 miles north of Miami, are investigating the death of the 32 year old, who on Facebook went by Edward William Barry.

According to the Broward Sheriff’s Office, Archbold, of West Palm Beach, and several other contestants signed up to eat a variety of insects at Ben Siegel Reptiles in Deerfield Beach. After eating dozens of giant cockroaches, Archbold was declared the winner of an ivory-ball python. (The prizes, Archbold indicated on his Facebook page that night, were less significant than the glory. His plan was to give the python to a friend.)
He had also entered a superworm-eating contest earlier in the night.
But after winning, Archbold felt sick and started vomiting. He then collapsed in the store and was later pronounced dead. The medical examiner’s office is conducting tests to determine a cause of death, according to the sheriff’s office statement.

On Facebook, Ben Siegel Reptiles wrote that staff met Archbold the night of the Midnight Madness sale: “We all liked him right away. All of us here at Ben Siegel Reptiles are sad that we will not get to know Eddie better, for in the short time we knew him, he was very well liked by all.”
In the comments beneath the statement, the reptile store wrote that the prize “now belongs to his estate.”

In another Facebook comment, an attorney claiming to represent Ben Siegel Reptiles wrote that contest participants had signed waivers accepting their participation in this “unique and unorthodox contest.”
“The consumption of insects is widely accepted throughout the world, and the insects presented as part of the contest were taken from an inventory of insects that are safely and domestically raised in a controlled environment as food for reptiles,” wrote attorney Luke Lirot.

No other contestants felt sick, the Broward Sheriff’s Office said.

And Archbold seemed to be doing all right earlier in the night, according to his own account on Facebook. He took photos of the superworms and wrote: " Also side note im NOW in a super worm eating comp now.......what ever the hell a super worm is?"

Eating the bugs yielded valuable rewards, according to the store's Facebook page: “Eat the most bugs in 4 minutes, win the ball morph. That’s it. Oh yeah, any vomiting is an automatic DQ,” the advertisement stated. “Eat the most crickets, win a male lesser. Eat the most superworms, win a female orange belly. Eat the most discoid roaches, win a female graphite sired ivory!”

Michael Adams, a professor of entomology at the University of California, Riverside, told The Associated Press that he has never heard of someone dying after eating roaches.

"Unless the roaches were contaminated with some bacteria or other pathogens, I don't think that cockroaches would be unsafe to eat," Adams said. "Some people do have allergies to roaches but there are no toxins in roaches or related insects."

Meanwhile, Archbold's friends took to his Facebook page to remember him. Wrote one: "This goes out to one of the most funnest, craziest, and most energetic person I have ever met!!! I will never ever forget u Eddie... I don't think anyone could!!"

Dangote's People Rubbish Sylvia Nduka in New Statement

According to insiders in Dangote’s office, the billionaire is upset because they can’t understand how someone will wake up one morning and cook up marriage stories.

According to Yes International, The alleged romance tale involving Africa’s richest man, Alhaji Aliko Dangote and ex-beauty queen, Sylvia Nduka has been described by some insiders at the billionaire’s office as both untrue and unfounded.

According to one of them, the story is nothing but ‘arrant nonsense and total falsehood’.
“Nothing like that exists. In fact, if at all it exists, it does in the imagination of whoever cooked up the story.

We are still investigating the original source of the mischievous and misleading story and will definitely take it up with them once we are done with that. We shall also issue an official statement, rebutting the cock and bull story.

“We just can’t understand how someone will wake up in the morning and begin to fabricate and spread falsehood aimed at tarnishing someone’s hard-earned reputation. The story is totally false. Totally false”. 

What To Do If Your Boyfriend Says He 'Needs Space'

Relationships: What To Do If Your Boyfriend Says He Needs Space
He says he needs space. You, of course, freak out. Here's a step-by-step guide to make him miss you.
Has your boyfriend recently told you he needs to take some space from your relationship to think about things? Though the words "I need space" are dreaded by lovers everywhere and can leave one feeling confused, panicked, and rejected, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it can actually be an opportunity to bring you closer together.

Most of us already know that men are from Mars, and that translates to them needing time by themselves to investigate and figure out their feelings and thoughts. However, there are still things you can do when he says he needs his alone time that will help sway his decision in your favor.

Here's the deal. When a man says he needs his space, there are two things usually happening inside his head:

  • There are aspects of the relationship and/or his life that are making him doubt whether or not he wants to stay involved with you.
  • There are aspects about you that he loves enough to make him say he needs space instead of "goodbye." This is what you need to bank on while doing what I call the ''Love Him, Letter Him, Let Him Go" technique. Remember, there are things you can do to help leave an impression in his head that he won't quickly forget.
Step 1: Get a handle on your feelings.
When you're used to spending a lot of time with a man and feel extremely emotionally connected to him and then he tells you he wants distance, a myriad of uncontrollable emotions can unleash inside you. You can feel panic and extreme anxiety. You can feel deep sadness and strong anger. All these feelings are valid and healthy reactions to a loved one pulling back. However, you must also love him and honor his need for space, too. And this is really hard to do when your feelings are so strong, you don't know how to get them in check.

You want to beg him, question him, continue to call him. You want to maybe scream at him or cry tears of desperation and confusion while asking him, "Why?" If you are like me, you will want to drive to his house in the middle of the night in a state of sheer panic. Basically you might feel tempted to act in ways that you are not proud of. This is normal for a woman who is in touch with her feelings and in love with a man. It is normal to feel like you are fighting for your life and that you are being ripped from someone very important to your existence. So don't judge yourself for your feelings, thoughts, and actions when a man pulls back.

But let's also talk about how to get these feelings, thoughts, and actions under control so that you can make a man feel like you care about his needs and his wishes, and are not just in survival mode, ready to fight "tooth and nail" for the love you want, regardless of how he feels. To get a handle on your feelings, you first have to give yourself permission to release them. You have to let yourself cry and scream as much as you need to. You have to have a space in your house where you go and just allow yourself to feel everything. For me, it's my bathtub. Know yours and go there!

Once your negative fear-based feelings are out in the open, I ask that you informally meditate. Light candles, take a shower beforehand, and put on some soothing music. Take deep breaths and go inside yourself, taking inventory of your body. Try to stretch and loosen up tense areas and then once you feel like you body is responding to your attention and movements to ease it, I want you to concentrate on your heart. Imagine your heart glowing with a bright, powerful light.

Imagine this light expanding to envelop your whole body, and that your whole being is encased in a bubble of all loving, all-trusting, healing and positive light. Let this powerful, sparkling, dense light soothe you. Once you feel calmer and more at peace, you can follow the second step of the technique:

Step 2: Begin thinking lovingly and positively about your man.
Think about his face, his smell, his house, his laugh and more. Think about all the things that define him and make you love him. Feel your heart warm over with love for him and deep care for him as a person. Then open your eyes. Get a piece of paper and with loving feelings flowing through your heart, make two lists:
  1. A list of all the things you love about him.
  2. Another list of all the things you think he loves about you.
Take a look at these lists and circle three things on each list that you feel are the most important things you two love about each other. Now, you can follow the third step:

Step 3: Send him an email or write him a letter.
In this email or letter you're going to mention those three things you love about him and three memories that correlate to those three things you know he loves about you. Remember, you'll also mention the following:
  • Tell him you respect his need for space and will honor it.
  • Mention your feelings about his request for space.
  • Tell him that you care enough about your relationship to wait for him as long as you can wait.
  • Tell him you will honor and respect any decision he makes.
  • Reassure him that you will be okay no matter what.
You aren't going to have any pulling energy in the email. What does this mean? It means you are not going to tell him anything that makes him feel smothered, controlled, guilty, or fearful of losing you. Anything that's about pulling him back to you instead of surrendering to his need for space. Your letter is a gift of love to him, not a manipulation to leave him feeling like he has to be with you or else he is a total jerk to abandon you and reject you. You aren't going to threaten not to be there when he gets back. You aren't going to tell him how you are not eating and how you cry on the floor of the shower for hours. You aren't going to tell him you want to spend the rest of your life with him and have his babies, and know he is the one to be buried next to for eternity. You aren't going to beg or plead.

Guilt actually makes a man want to run because it creates a pressure, making him think that if he stays and it doesn't work out in the future, he will destroy your life.

Don't go on and on in your letter and squeeze in every moment of every memory, and don't get into detail about all your feelings about him and his need for space. Too many words will feel draining and overwhelming for him. Now, once he does take his space, have a friend on hand who you can call when you are jonesing to contact him, and make sure this friend is positive and calming. Tell her that you only need her strength and patience, not her fears and opinions. A good friend will understand what you mean and will be available to you at this hard time.

Resist the need to rehash everything with family and friends and question his love a thousand times. Meditate, focus on things you love, don't do things you don't love to do, and give yourself permission to feel your feelings without marinating in them too long. In the end, if he comes back, let him guide the pace of things — because you love him and are willing to surrender control over the unknown and control over the relationship.


OMG!!! Have you Seen This Automobile Hand Bag By Toyin Lawani? (Must See)

I wouldn't mind rocking this bag....... So cute and unique.

Patience Jonathan:Why I Will Support Aisha Buhari (Must Read)

Outgoing First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, has pledged to support the wife of the President-elect, Mrs. Aisha Buhari, in any of her projects that would better the country.


Mrs. Jonathan gave the assurance at the inauguration of the Defence and Police Officers Wives Association Skills Acquisition Centre, in Abuja yesterday.

The First Lady explained that her husband was able to complete his four-year tenure in office with ease because of the support he got from the military and security chiefs in the country.

She lauded the service chiefs and the women association for their support for the President, especially during the Boko Haram insurgency, and urged them to sustain the patriotic efforts.

She further called on Nigerian to pray for the security chiefs to ensure that their efforts were successful.
“I want to thank all the Service Chiefs and all women associations for their support for the President and my office.

“You have really sacrificed a lot to ensure Nigeria is safe. Don’t be tired but ensure that Nigeria is safe. Pray for their success in finally keeping the nation safe,” she added.

On the incoming government, Mrs. Jonathan said, “I will make sure that I support my sister, the incoming First Lady to make sure Nigerian women are safe”.

Civil Servant Attempts Suicide Over Unpaid Salary in Osun

A senior Civil Servant identified as Ojo Owolabi attempted to commit suicide in Obokun Local Government Area of the State by drinking insecticide.

 stop suicide prevention campaign to help suicidal people - stock photo
Owolabi was said to have attempted suicide because of his inability to cater for his family as civil servants in the State are being owed six months salary.

The incident which occurred at Owolabi’s residence last Saturday in Obokun Local Government Area of the State threw residents into a state of confusion.

It was gathered from a source closed to Owolabi that he wanted to take his life because he got frustrated over his inability to cater for his family.

The source affirmed, “Baba Ibeji, Owolabi, drank herbicide. He was frustrated because he has been unable to feed himself and other members of his family.

“You are aware that the state government has not paid workers for some months now. I think he just lost hope and decided to take his life by drinking Gramoxone.

It was learnt that Owolabi’s wife and children have moved out of the house after he could not meet their needs.

Culled from DAILY POST

See Photos: Chidinma, Is That Really You?

Chidinma a.k.a Miss Kedike decided to look colorful for her fans.

She shared her new look on Instagram.
 Chidinma Shows Off New Lookchidi1

Annie Idibia Stuns in New Photo: Shows Off Her New Look

Annie Idibia Shows Off New Look 
Annie Idibia wants her numerous fans to admire her new look.
The humble actress rocked low cut and decided to ditch normal weaves.

Pretty Woman...........

Denrele Edun Set to Hit The Altar Soon With Fiancee Wedding Arrangement to be Announced Soon

Nigerian Red Carpet specialist, Denrele Edun has stressed he is not gay, and will be marrying soon, some research popped up @shuleydee she is an artiste and has been spotted with him at recent events, is she the one?

Photos below:

Sad Mother Narrates How Her Son Was Killed in Lagos

A sad mum who lost her 1 year old son last year at his creche in a school in Ajah has just shared this heart breaking story, read below:

"Please share my story to the world. I would have sent this earlier but it took God's Grace and courage because I am still in pain. My son's name is Oluwatamilore Holloway. I enrolled him in Debiruss creche on the 16th of September as soon as he clocked 1 on the 13th of sept, 2014. He was loving and peaceful, but I wanted him to mingle with people. On the 26th of November, 2014, I was called by the school authority to meet them at Budo Hospital in Ajah around 2pm. I was in Ajah market so I rushed there, unfortunately I did not meet my Tamilore alive, he was dead, I asked them what happened and they couldn't give me an answer.
I was told probably he was dehydrated and the hospital told me he was brought in dead. I asked the Nanny what happened, she said he woke up and she was feeding him, that she gave him the first spoon and when she was about to give him the second spoon, he started closing his eyes, thank God for autopsy which revealed that my son died due to Aspiration of Food particles in the lungs, definitely, he was choked to death with food.
As soon as they heard the result was out, they started coming to my house to beg me, they even went to my priest in church. It had to take the intervention of my priest that I should just leave everything to God.
They came to me and they offered to close down the creche and get a Nurse for the school and that they would write my Family an Apology letter , that was in January which I haven't gotten as I write this .
I also noticed that during Christmas they had the effrontery to decorate their school, despite the fact that my son just died, they told me they had already contacted the decorator and that they couldn't stop him, they even had Christmas party which I felt it wasn't fair on my part.
I gave them 3 conditions that they should get a professional Nurse, get a CCTV for their school and they should get a Qualified child minder , but they only came back to tell me they were going to close the creche and that it will only be opened for the children of their staff.
On the 6th of May,I went to the school to find out what was happening, if they had truly closed the creche, I went in through the back gate and I went straight to the creche,I found out , they had no Nurse, one of the child minders who was working there,was still there, there was no CCTV and the crèche was not closed down, because I saw other children from outside who was also with my son in the crèche.  I was told they got a Nurse and I think the working conditions was not suitable for the Nurse so she had to leave.
My grievance is that they carried on in their normal Business as if nothing happened, and I expected them to do the needful, I did not even ask them for a dime, but I said for the sake of other children, they should get Qualified people who will take care of the children should in case first Aids has to be given but because they are money conscious, they would rather let the worst happen than prevent it, and what they do is to convert an ordinary cleaner to a Nanny or child minder to save cost. A Nanny who is not experienced and who can't even feed a child. They have to do the needful before they kill other children, who can't speak for themselves like my poor son.

Abomination: 2 Teenagers Arrested for Kidnapping Nine-Month-old Baby

A teenager, Rachael John, 19, and a nine-year-old girl (names withheld) have been arrested by men of Ogun State Police Command for allegedly kidnapping a nine-month-old baby.


According to Vanguard, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Muyiwa Adejobi, who  disclosed this in a statement yesterday, said the suspects were neighbours of the baby’s mother at Egbe Street, Ijebu-Ode.

Adejobi said police detectives attached to Ilese Division, Ijebu-Ode, made the arrest at old toll gate, Ijebu-Ode, on Wednesday.

He said the suspects allegedly demanded for N2 million for the baby to be released.

Adejobi said the mother of the baby reported to police, when she noticed that the suspects had taken away the baby.

He said police detectives immediately swung into action, and traced the suspects to Ogbere, Ijebu-Ode, where they were arrested.

The PPRO said one of the suspects had, through a letter, threatened to deal with the baby’s mother, adding that it was neighbours who saw the baby being taken away that alerted the mother.

He said: “The Commissioner of Police in Ogun State, Val Ntomchukwu, has directed that the matter be thoroughly investigated without delay, and necessary action taken for justice to prevail in the case.”

Nollywood Actor, Chidi Mokeme's New Baby Goes to Church - See photos

Nollywood actor, Chidi Mokeme recently dedicated his bundle of joy, Noah.

The excited father shared photos from the child dedication on his instagram page with a long story of how God gave him the precious gift.

“On the 11th of March in the year 2015AD, set in a heavenly garden, with rose petals in all shades of red and cherry blossoms in all shades of pink, against a backdrop of sunset made of pure gold, A baby asked God, “They tell me you are sending me to earth today, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”

“Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.” The child further inquired, “But tell me, here in heaven I don’t have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy.” God said, “Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel’s love and be very happy.” Again the child asked, “And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don’t know the language?”
God said, “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.” “And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” God said, “Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.” “Who will protect me?” God said, “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking it’s life.” “But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.” God said, “Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.

As a reminder, you have been named #Noah (The Comforter, My Soft Spot). At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, “God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.” “Her name is #JeanChinwe, but You will simply call her, ‘#Mom.’”#NoahsBaptism #Dedication #Christening #17thMay #Covenant #GodsGlory #GodsGrace #TheComforter #SuperChargedMum #SuperChargedBoo” he wrote

We celebrate with the family.......

More photos below:
chidi mokeme5chidi mokeme4chidi mokeme3

Khloe Kardashian on Instagram: Look at My Legs!

Khloe Kardashian has given fans yet another look at yet another body part of hers.


Over the past few months, Khloe has asked Instagram followers to check out her b*tt.
She's also given them an up close and personal look at her lips.
Now, via her latest social media image, Khloe Kardashian is showing off her long and luscious legs.

"Photo shoot day with @1maryphillips and @cesar4styles!!!!!," Kardashian wrote as a caption this snapshot, adding:
"Such a fantastic day!!! @monicarosestyle you killed every single look!!!!!! I'm so lucky to have such incredible people surrounding me!!."

Khloe has apparently been enjoying some fried chicken of late, yet has maintained an impressive figure as the result of hard work with trainer Gunnar Peterson.

She recently told Cosmopolitan that her difficult divorce did have a silver lining:
"When me and Lamar were having issues, I decided to channel my energy into working out. The gym was my only refuge. I could put music on and dance around with my girlfriends and be silly."

Khloe added that she never felt "fat," per se, but realized upon looking back at old pictures that she was definitely "unhealty."

Not any longer, however. She looks great!

Photo: Kcee Renews His MTN Contract

He posted the above  for his fans to celebrate with him.

Congrats Kcee......Hard work really pays in the long run!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My wife’s pregnancy is not mine – Man tells court

A middle-age man, Samson Musa, on Wednesday appealed to an Ojo Customary Court sitting in Lagos to end his three-year-old marriage to his wife because she is pregnant for another man.

The complainant who has been married to his wife identified as Tunrayo for three years is accusing her of infidelity. Musa who claimed his wife’s six month pregnancy was not his said, “I can’t live with a woman that is promiscuous, sleeping around, troublesome and does not have any regard for me,” he said.

He further asked the court to grant him custody of their two-year-old son.

“Tunrayo cannot take good care of our albino son,” he said.
The aggrieved man stressed that their son has been given so many names as a result of his wife’s promiscuous lifestyle at the motor park where she trades.

“I can’t take it any longer,” he said.
While responding to the allegation by her husband, 38-year-old Tunrayo, appealed to the court not to consider Musa’s claim, stressing that he abandoned the family and was not providing well enough for her and the family.

She said, “My husband does not take care of me and that is why I find myself roaming the streets because of no accommodation.

“I was even raped twice in a container while hawking water in sachet popularly known as `pure water.’ Yes, I cannot say who owns this pregnancy, but as for my son, I will not release him. After all, Musa did not pay any bride price on me.”

The court’s President, Chief Joseph Ogunmola, however cautioned Musa to go back and live up to his tasks as a responsible father and husband.

Ogunmola consequently directed that a test be carried out as that will put to rest the issue of ownership of the pregnancy.

He however adjourned the case till June 22.

Kim Kardashian: Bruce Jenner is a Beautiful Woman!

Yes, Kim Kardashian has met "Her." She has seen her step-father, Bruce Jenner, dressed as a woman and she talks to Billy Bush in this video about Jenner's overall transition.

The reality star sits down in this interview with Billy Bush and says her step-father, Bruce Jenner, looks positively "beautiful" as a woman.

But Kim also admits that various members of her famous family have had some trouble coming to full acceptance of Bruce and his transitioning state.

Everyone is on board, but there's almost a "sense of death," Kim explains, especially when it comes to Kylie and Kendall, who feel as if they have lost a father.

They know they have gained someone else who still loves them, however.

Kardashian actually comes across more normal and more relatable than ever in discussing the Bruce Jenner sex change in this interview. She's saying all the right things.

Pressure Group to Buhari: Remove Oil Subsidy and Recover Our Stolen Funds

Pressure group, Campaign for Democracy, CD, has urged the President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari, to put in place a high-powered government machinery to recover stolen public funds and consider total removal of fuel subsidy.

Chairman of CD in Anambra State, Comrade Vincent Ezekwueme, stated in Onitsha yesterday that Buhari should do away with fuel subsidy since the common man was not feeling the impact.

According to him, “As an anti-corruption crusader, all corrupt politicians that may derail your good intention of righting the wrongs of the society must be kept at arm’s length.

“Complete removal of fuel subsidy and ensuring that all those that embezzled public funds are brought to book, their ill-gotten money confiscated. Such money will be used to build refineries in the country” he said.

Ezekwueme, who further urged the incoming President to run an all inclusive government and be magnanimous in victory, said, “CD hails the President-elect for his courage; consistence in standing for the election, despite that he had earlier contested the post for three consecutive times.

“We thank Nigerians for their peaceful conduct before, during and after the elections,” he added.
The CD state chairman appealed to Buhari to appoint men and women of impeccable integrity into his cabinet, if he really want to effect a change in the society.

He, however, commended President Goodluck Jonathan for earning international respect and recognition by willingly accepting the people’s wishes and aspirations of majority of Nigerians in the March 28 election.

Secondary School Girl Kills Boyfriend: Read Why

A 20-year-old secondary school girl, Chisom Anyanwu, recently stabbed her 28 year old and undergraduate boyfriend, Adio to death with a kitchen knife in Ubomiri community of Mbaitoli LGA of Imo State.

Adio was said to have visited Chisom’s house late on Tuesday, and she became very angry as she had earlier cautioned the boy not to visit her at home.
An argument ensued which resulted in Chisom stabbing the boy in the chest. 

An eyewitness who spoke to the Nation Newspaper said too much blood gushed out of Abio’s body and he gave up the ghost on his way to the Christian Medical Centre, Nwosrieubi, in the council area.

The  news of Abio’s death which filtered into the neighbourhood caused revolt among some angry youths, friends and relations which resulted in the burning down the house of the parents of the accused. 
But the police intervened to stop them from further destruction. Imo state Police Command Public Relation Officer, PPRO, Andrew Enwerem (DSP), confirmed the incident, saying the suspect has already been arrested. 

“She is in police custody, while investigation is on,” he said.

OMG!!! Female Boss Kidnapped By Her Driver In Lagos

A suspected member of a kidnap syndicate arrested in the Ajah area of Lagos State has confessed that his gang was hired by the driver of their victim, one Obinna Akammadu.

He disclosed that Akammadu, the driver, informed him and his colleagues, now at large, that he was going to pick his boss, owner of Victoria Water Service, from the airport last Saturday.

According to him: “The plan was that we would kidnap the woman on reaching Lekki, take her to a hide out around Ajah/Epe, from where we would call her relatives and demand for ransom.”

He said they had succeeded in kidnapping the woman, but ran into traffic at Ajah. The woman jumped out of the car and raised alarm.

The suspect, identified as Solomon Ugoji, was reportedly rescued from a mob that was about to lynch him, by policemen attached to Area ‘M’ Command, Ajah.

Narrating her ordeal to police, the woman that was almost kidnapped, expressed surprise over what she said appeared like a movie scene to her.

She said: “I was shocked when the men opened the door that was supposed to be locked. But for God’s intervention, I do not know what would have happened to me.”

Lagos State Police PRO, Kenneth Nwosu, confirmed the incident. He said policemen on patrol noticed the struggle in the vehicle and intervened.

Policemen are on the trail of the driver and others involved in the crime.

Inspector General of Police Orders Security Beef Up Ahead of May 29

The Inspector-General of Police, Mr Solomon Arase, has ordered the beefing up of security nationwide around critical and vulnerable installations ahead of the May 29 inauguration date.

 IGP restores salaries of officer after Radio Talk Show1

The IGP’s directives to commanding officers, was disclosed in a statement issued on Thursday in Abuja by the Force Public Relations Officer, Emmanuel Ojukwu.

According to the statement, the IGP ordered Zonal AIGs and Commissioners of Police in states, to immediately take steps to protect critical infrastructure like mega filling stations, major hotels, National/State Houses of Assembly, and the Eagle Square.

The statement said that it was imperative to ward off possible plans by insurgents to carry out widespread violence and coordinated attacks on those installations and public places ahead of the May 29, adding that the insurgents plan to undermine the Presidential/Governorship inauguration/ swearing-in ceremonies nationwide.

The statement however disclosed that the police had perfected strategies to provide security to ensure that the ceremonies are hitch-free, advising the public to continue to collaborate with the police and other security agencies to stamp out crimes and terror.

Senate Directs Its Committee on Petroleum to Investigate Fuel Scarcity

The Nigerian Senate today directed its committees on Petroleum Resources (Upstream and Downstream) to commence an investigation into the causes of the persistent fuel crisis currently ravaging the country.

Abuja fuel scarcity_1
The directive was handed down after a motion moved by the Deputy Senate Majority Leader, Senator Abdul Ningi, who prayed the senate to pay attention to the fuel crisis that has created hardship for Nigerians.
Responding, the Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, who presided over plenary, said since Ningi raised the motion under personal explanation, the senate would not debate it but rather approve his prayers.

Ekweremadu said: “Ningi’s prayers are simple and straightforward. He is asking us, as representatives of the people, to direct our committees on upstream and downstream to find out what is currently going on in the oil sector and possibly find a way of addressing it.

“In that regard, we now ask our committees on Petroleum Resources (Upstream and Downstream), to find out what is going on and what the government is doing about it and report back on Tuesday next week. That is our wish.”

In moving the motion, Ningi said since the Senate still have the mandate of the people until June 1, its responsibility to intervene in the unfortunate development remains.

He said: “We need to know whether fuel scarcity has come to stay. We need to know whether it has become part of our lives. We need to plan.

“By planning and talking about it, we are now sensitizing Nigerians to brace up for the impending issue of fuel scarcity whether it is going to be here permanently or temporary.

“But we can’t know all these things until we hear from the experts. Therefore my prayer is to ask the committee on downstream and upstream to come up with explanations next Tuesday through which Nigerians will know and plan their future.

“Otherwise, I think it’s legally and morally wrong to keep silent about it, sweep it under the carpet and to continue to believe these things are usual.”

Tragedy: A Wicked Father Strangles Day-Old Baby to Death for Geing a Girl

A certain Bello Rabiu has been dragged before a Senior Magistrate’s Court in Katsina for allegedly killing his new-born baby girl.

Bello, 35, was said to have strangled the new baby to death and buried her in his compound after she was given birth to by his wife, Fatima Bello.

According to report, the accused had eagerly waited for a male child but his expectation was dashed when after delivery, the baby turned out to be a female.

Police prosecuting officer, Hashimu Musa, told the court that Rabiu who resides in Dankwaro village of Charanchi LGA of Katsina State, committed the offence at midnight on May 4, 2015.

He said the village head of Doka, Alhaji Muhammad Shehu, reported the case at the Charanchi police station after his attention was drawn to it.

“After police investigation, he was arrested and interrogated, and later confessed committing the offence’’, he said.

The judge, Nafisa Bagiwa, ordered him to be remanded in prison and adjourned the case to June 22 for further hearing.

Security Guard Dies During Drinking and Smoking Bet

A security man, Thompson, has died after drinking a bottle of a popular alcoholic drink, Ogogoro and smoking five sticks of cigarette in two minute.


The deceased had entered a bet with his friend at a popular beer palour in Agege area of Lagos.

Vanguard newspaper reports that the incident happened at Agege area of Lagos on May 7, after the deceased bought bottles of Ogogoro (local gin) for his drinking companions, his then challenged him to finish a bottle of bitters and smoke five sticks of cigarette within the stipulated time.

If he had won, the friends would have paid for everything he consumed.

Narrating how the incident occured, a friend of the deceased, 28-year-old Earnest Joseph said;
“At about 8am, Thompson returned from his security guard job, went inside his room and slept.“Later in the afternoon, two of his friends came. So I prepared Eba because he had soup and we all ate. We went out to a nearby local hot drink vendor, popularly called Tee Sugar. Thompson bought N50 quantity of Dongoyaro and N30 sachet of Chelsea for each of us.From there we went to another vendor in the neighborhood and met some of Thompson’s friends from his home town.
He ordered for two full bottles of local gin, Ogogoro, which we drank together. As soon as we finished consuming the first bottle, Thompson and his relatives began to speak their local dialect, which I do not understand. All of a sudden, the vendor brought a big bottle of bitters. I asked Thompson if he was the one that ordered for the bottle. He said his friends ordered it and that he wants to prove to them that he can drink a bottle of Alomo Bitters and five sticks of cigarettes. I tried to stop him but he drank it in less than two minutes, smoked two sticks of cigarette and decided to leave. His relatives called him back to smoke the remaining three.”

Trouble however started as soon as he finished the fifth stick.  He became uncomfortable, staggering, sweating profusely and breathing heavily as he walked away. He vomited several times and then died at about 8p.m. in his room.

The Lagos State Police Public Relations Officer, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Kenneth Nwosu confirmed the incident.

Cuties: Nollywood Actor, Nkem Owoh Shows Off His Daughters

Popular Nollywood actor, Nkem Owoh AKA Osuofia went with his two daughters to renew his contract with MTN.

This is the first time the actor will be showing off members of his family.

You like 'em?

Photos below:
 oso2Osuofia Shows Off His Daughters

Kylie Jenner: Pregnant With Tyga’s Baby?

Is Kylie Jenner pregnant with Tyga’s baby? That's the latest rumor going around, and if it were somehow true, can you even imagine the epic fallout?
 Kylie Jenner: Pregnant at 17?!
Ok, ok ... we know you absolutely can't take anything at face value if it was first reported by OK! Which the Kylie-Tyga baby rumor recently was.

These are the same magazines that come up with classic Kardashian fan-fic like Scott Disick cheating on Kourtney with her sisters, plural.

Still, this one is a little less far-fetched at least.

The 17-year-old reality star has been controversially dating the 25-year-old rapper for months, and she certainly has a major rebellious streak.

With daily reports making Kylie and Tyga engaged, or hilariously claiming they're not engaged because he is broke, the rumor mill is on fire.
Three things we do know for near-certain here:
  1. Kylie and Tyga are more than friends;
  2. Kris Jenner will do anything for cash.
  3. Like, anything.
Our point? We don't think Kylie is with child, yet can totally see Kris plotting a spinoff for Kylie, Tyga, and baby Kyga ... as soon as she's 18 of course.

“Kris is already seeing dollar signs" says a source in OK! "She is positive that tons of people would tune in to watch Kylie’s travails as a young mother."

"She knows how much attention a baby brings."
Hey, that's what life is all about, right?
What do you think? Is there any chance Tyga really got Kylie Jenner pregnant, or that the two are secretly engaged and going to marry August 10?

(Her 18th birthday, obviously?)

Discuss your take on the rumors with us in the comments and in any event, pray for Kylie's soul as she continues down this dangerous road.

Ladies Corner: Omotola Reveals Reasons Behind Her Ever Glowing Skin

Omotola Jalade decided to share the secret behind her glowing skin on Instagram with her fans.
Omotola wrote:

“Many asking how I keep my skin glow. 1. I drink a lot of water 2. When I fall asleep , I really sleep 3. I drink a lot of fresh fruit juice 4. I only use baby lotions and moisturizers ( my mum’s secret) 5. Peace of mind … hope at least one tip helps.”

Emmanuel Adebayor Released By Tottenham Hotspur to Deal With Family Issues

Following his disturbing and emotional Facebook posts where he revealed a lot of family secrets, Emmanuel Adebayo has been granted compassionate leave by his football club, Tottenham Hotspur for a second time this season.
Via- Telegraph
    Emmanuel Adebayor has been granted compassionate leave by Tottenham Hotspur for a second time this season to return to Togo to sort out his personal issues. Spurs head coach Mauricio Pochettino has excused Adebayor from training this week and the final game of the season against Everton at Goodison Park on Sunday. He will not travel on the post-season tour to Malaysia and Sydney.
    Adebayor has made a series of allegations against his family over Facebook in recent weeks that have prompted concerns over his mental state.
    The latest of his messages accused brother Kola of holding a knife to his throat and included claims that he has often considered suicide as a result of his family problems.
    Tottenham want to sell Adebayor during the summer, meaning he could have already played his last game for them, but the club’s immediate concern is the player’s well-being.
    It is hoped that giving Adebayor time off to clear his head and return to his homeland will allow the 31-year-old to sort out his problems and grievances in time to return to pre-season training, either at Tottenham or with another club, in the correct frame of mind.
    Rejecting claims that he had evicted his mother from his house in Africa, Adebayor claimed people were attempting to direct witchcraft, or Juju, at him.
    Adebayor was then given compassionate leave by Spurs in December after a close family member was taken seriously ill.
    Having taken a week off, Adebayor returned to Tottenham before Christmas but has made only five appearances since then, starting just one game.
    Adebayor still has a year remaining on his Spurs contract and chairman Daniel Levy faces the prospect of having to take a financial hit on the former Arsenal man to offload him this summer.
    There is virtually no prospect of any clubs agreeing to match Adebayor’s £100,000-a-week wages, which means Levy can expect to pay out at least £2.5 million to cover the shortfall on his remaining 12 months.
    Aston Villa manager Tim Sherwood could turn to Adebayor if he has to find a replacement for Liverpool target Christian Benteke. The pair enjoyed a close and fruitful working relationship at Spurs.
    Friends and confidants of Adebayor are worried about his recent actions and claim he is not listening to advice or efforts to help, although he has consulted with Chelsea striker Didier Drogba about his problems. There is growing concern that Adebayor’s Facebook messages will put off any interested clubs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Miracle: Mad Woman Gets Instantly Healed After Being Hit By Vehicle

What would have been the instrument for bereavement to many became the catalyst for hope for Mrs. Ugwu, popularly known as Mama Nnenna.

An accident, which occurred at Ugwuawarawa in Nsukka, that would have sent the 62-year-old mother of four to her grave. However, instead it served as the beginning of her healing process from the protracted mental illness that bedeviled her.

It was learnt that for over 3 decades, Mama Nnenna, had literally been mentally insane, and many times gone stark naked as a result of her ill health.

According to report, she had been residing close to a Total Roundabout in Nsukka, until the unfortunately fortunate day of the accident. Mrs. Ugwu was rushed to Bishop Shanahan Hospital, Nsukka, by the driver of the car that hit her.

Source said she refused all medical attention given to her by the hospital.
She was however, seen at GRA, Nsukka, busy sweeping her room and cleaning her environment in clean apparel, looking like a mentally stabled woman.

She had changed from the dirty mad woman who specialized in collecting all sorts of dirty cloths and tying them around her waist, leg and head.

A source revealed that Mrs. Ugwu subliminally broke into tears while narrating her ordeal “I am here suffering; I don’t know what I did to people that I am put in this kind of condition. I believe that what is happening to me is not ordinary. Somebody did this to me”.

When asked about the whereabouts of her husband, she said she had not seen him and could not tell where he was.

She said her problem started about 30 years ago and wondered why she was in such an agonising situation: “I was down there (pointing at Ugwuawara side) picking food in a dustbin when two children met me and asked me to stop picking anything there. But later they asked me to continue picking. Then, I continued but I did not know when a vehicle came and hit me. It knocked me down and ran over me.”

Mrs. Ugwu’s daughter, Nnenna, explained that “what happened to my mother can best be described as miraculous healing. I have never seen such a rapid healing. I am so happy that she is now recovering though we are currently facing challenges of getting money to buy her drugs regularly.

“Her drugs cost like N15,000 monthly but presently, I don’t have such kind of money. Even her feeding is becoming increasing difficult for me because I am the only person staying with her. I am just a staff of Nsukka Local Government Area and you know the salary is not forthcoming regularly.”

Asked where she has been when all these years her mother was ill: “I have been with my uncle. Each and every time I came around Total filling station and saw her tattered and picking refuse from dumpsites, I always felt so bad. It was always heart rending and too difficult to imagine.”

Does Bruce Jenner Still Keep His ''Joy Stick''??? (Must Read)

On this week’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Bruce hinted at sexual reassignment surgery he may undergo this spring.
 Bruce Jenner Smiles Interview Pic
However, on the second installment of his E! Special, About Bruce, he revealed that he has not scheduled an appointment to remove his “thing down there.”

Bruce confirmed, “Remove the little thing down there? You can do an awful lot down there…as of right now, no, as of right now, no [I don’t have an appointment to do that].”

Did he just call his penis little??? Just curious.

So it looks like Bruce Jenner still has a penis. For now.

The former Olympian is considering surgery a possibility. While talking to Kim, Khloe, Kendall, and Kylie, he said is going to “play it by ear.”

Ummmm, sexual reassignment surgery isn’t like setting a coffee date.  You don’t play it by ear.  Getting your penis removed requires intention and planning.

Kim seemed to have a hard time understanding the process.

 "So, like you don't have a surgery to remove that and then that means you're the woman," Kim questioned on Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Omg, Kim. Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina.  

Sure, as Bruce suggests, there are a number of options. But having a penis makes Bruce a biological man.

Jenner confessed that he has already undergone a number of procedures to create a more feminine face, including a nose job and work on his lips and forehead.

Bruce has received tremendous support from his step-children and his biological children. 

However, his ex-wife, Kris Jenner, has been supportive for appearances. Kris claims to be super supportive but she has a hard time loving anyone other than herself.

We hope that if Bruce does decide to undergo sexual reassignment surgery that his kids will continue to be supportive.  And not make a new reality show about it...

Fake Soldier And suspected Boko Haram Member Arrested By Nigerian Army in Bauchi

The Nigerian Army have arrested a fake soldier and a suspected member of Islamist terror group, Boko Haram, identified as Aliyu Hussaini.


According to the Army, Aliyu is an Impostor who has been parading himself as a Brigadier General in the Nigerian Army and was fraudulently collecting money from people.

A statement by the Nigerian Army says Aliyu Hussaini is a sponsor and also a member of the Boko Haram Terrorist organisation.
He was arrested alongside an accomplice, one Ibrahim Mohammed who is also known as Yuram by Nigerian Army. The two suspects were arrested at New GRA behind the Deputy Governor’s House in Bauchi Metropolis, and the following items were recovered from them: two Nokia, a Samsung hand set and a Techno handset, one MTN sim card and a Peugeot 406 vehicle with registration number AU 222 BWR (Abuja).

Culled from Hope for Nigeria

See Photos: Couple Discover That Their Maid is a Man After 8 Months
This 27-year-old man posed as a woman to secure a job as a house keeper in Area 36 of Capital City Lilongwe. He fooled his boss for 8 months but was arrested after stealing some household items.

His employer’s daughter, who was sharing make-up and styling tips with him, had once noticed him acting suspiciously.  She reported him to her parents who later assured her that it was probably nothing to worry about.

He later decided to pack and run before he was confronted. Police were called when the employer discovered some valuable items missing. There was no evidence that he ever came into contact with kids while on the job.

He was using his wife's clothes and bras which he would fill up with some materials to have people believe that he had breasts.

His wife said she was informed of his plan. He has been charged with identity fraud, stealing personal property, and obtaining work by deception.

When next you are hiring a maid, please look well!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Aliko Dangote in Hot Romance With Ex-Beauty Queen Sylvia Nduka...Wedding Bells May Ring

Sylvia's new mode of dressing

Sylvia in Dangote's Private Jet

This is arguably the hottest gist running around town in the confines of those in the know.
It’s the story of the sizzling romance between the 2011 Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria winner, Sylvia Nduka and Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote! Love is really in the air and good enough, the man Aliko Dangote does not have any woman in his home. And as for the ex beauty Queen, she’s not just loving this relationship but has also agreed to the tenets of Islam by beginning to wear hijab. For all you care, Sylvia has also updated her name on Instagram as Sylvia Nduka AD meaning Aliko Dangote.
Although the affair is still shrouded in utmost secrecy to the public, a reliably source revealed that the beauty Queen has totally captured the heart of the billionaire businessman.
According to our reliable source, the relationship which kicked off shortly after Sylvia’s reign in 2013 has since metamorphosed into a serious affair that has had the billionaire pumping millions into Sylvia’s life and business. “Give or take two years, it’s been going on for a while, but they have tried as much as possible to keep it away from the public view” the source revealed.
Undoubtedly, her relationship with the billionaire has changed Sylvia’s life in no little ways, the former beauty Queen commands Dangote’s private jet like hers and flies in and out of the country on constant short trips abroad. “On many occasions she jets into Dubai and lodges in executive suites in Burj Arab! Like a big girl that she is, she cruises around town in white Range Rover sports, a gift bestowed on her by her benefactor” we were told by a source.
Adds her lover's initials AD (Aliko Dangote) to her name

Unknown to many, the billionaire has been investing hugely into Sylvia own Hairline Sylvia’s Hair Gallery which was opened and launched shortly after her reign in 2013.
Not only has Sylvia’s life changed dramatically over the years, her mode of dressing has also witnessed a drastic change. Insiders swore to high heavens that the lovers are quite serious and marriage might be on their minds as Sylvia has been spotted on several occasions dressing like a Muslim! “There is no doubt that it is a serious affair, not just a fling. She covers up more now and you know that Dangote’s religion allows him to take as many wives as he likes so you can expect a big announcement anytime soon” our source confided in us.
In her executive suite in Bourj Arab

Hajia Sylvia
We also gathered exclusively that Enemaya Lawani who is also a former beauty Queen has given her friend Sylvia all the support and encouragement needed to date a older man as she also boasts of one and has trailed that path for six years.
For those who do not know, Ene has enjoyed a long term affair with her beau the Chairman of Polo Luxury John Obayuwana, a relationship that has enjoyed massive popularity over the years. However, wedding bells might not be ringing anytime soon for this couple unlike Sylvia and Dangote and this can be traced to Jennifer Obayuwana’s involvement.
Even though Jennifer who got engaged December last year 2014 to Peter Salah was initially instrumental to Ene’s relationship with her Dad, the 33year old mother of one has drawn the line and maintained that her father would not marry her friend.
Marriage or no marriage, Ene’s life like Sylvia’s has changed thanks to her billionaire lover. She also paints the town red with a Range Rover Sports car like her friend, has a multi million Naira business empire EmeNaya Millinary Turbans and Accessories; an outfit that caters for only the elite in the society, courtesy of “The Rolex Man” John Obayuwana. 
National Enquirer will definitely stay glued to watch more events unfold, especially as it seems that wedding bells would ring for Dangote and Nduka soon.

IK Ogbonna’s Sonia Stuns in New Photos, Shows Off Baby Bump in Style

Nollywood actor, IK Ogbonna‘s boo, Sonia stunned in new photos . In the pics Sonia showed off her baby bump in style.

See the pics below.......
 IK Ogbonna's Boo, Sonia Stuns in New Photos

Meet Davido’s Babymama

Meet Davido's Babymama 
Davido is now a dad. His baby mama, Sophie Momodu has given birth to a bouncing baby girl.

Sophie’s cousin, Dele Momodu shared these photos and captioned it with “Warmest congratulations to Mr David Adeleke DAVIDO and my cousin SOPHIE MOMODU on the birth of your beautiful daughter. May God always provide for you and protect your family… Stay blessed.”

Omotola And Her Daughter Named Knorr Brand Ambassador

Omotola And Her Daughter Named Knorr Brand Ambassador
Nollywood actress, Omotola Jalade and her daughter, Meraiah Ekehinde have been named brand ambassadors for knorr.
Omotola - BN - May - 04
Knorr gave Omotola and her daughter the deal in order to raise awareness of Iron deficiency anemia in women and teenage girls.

More photos after the cut:
omo2 omo1

Diddy sued by man claiming he was forced to give him oral s£x on commercial set

Disgraced hip-hop mogul,  Sean "Diddy" Combs'  has been accused of s£xual ass@ult in a new civil lawsuit. An anonymous man fro...