
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hilarious: Florida Couple Poses for a Divorce Selfie and Said they're Smiling Because It Happened! (Photo)

You've heard of the plane crash selfie, right? And the fighter jet selfie?

Well, Keith Hinson and Michelle Knight are here to introduce folks to the divorce selfie, as they snapped the following photo Friday night and legally ending their marriage and included along with it a caption that reads:
"Here's to the most friendly, respectful, and loving split imaginable. We smile not because it's over, but because it happened."
Wow. And we thought Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin went through an amicable break-up.
This even tops the woman who baked her ex a divorce cake.
Bravo, Keith and Michelle. We didn't think it was possible, but you give Florida Man and Florida Woman a very good name.

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