
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Scary: Beverly Osu Carries Live Snake In a Movie - See Photo

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Former Big Brother housemate, Beverly Osu who is currently on set of the movie ‘the curse of the seven’ said throughout her career, she has never had such a challenging role of having to hold a live snake.

According to her, 

“my face shows confidence but my heart is about to explode.. I try to challenging myself for the love of my job and the confidence I have in GOD.. I STAND OUT..I AM AN EXTERMISE. BLACK DIAMOND.. TO carry a life python...eish baba.” “”Hmm ….still fighting my fears … This is a tip of the ice berg What i go through on set everyday… feeling that snake move on my body …eww so disgusting.”

Bravo to her.....

Nicki Minaj Reveals She Was Sacked From a Restaurant Before She Became Famous

Nicki Minaj. Photo: Hitfix 

The singer revealed that before she became famous, she was sacked from the restaurant called The Red Lobster after she followed a couple into the car park and swore at them for pinching her pen. 

Asked whether it was a special pen they’d snatched, Nicki told the November issue of GQ magazine: ‘No. It was the principle.’ 

The curvaceous singer also worked briefly as a customer service representative for a company in New York but that didn’t really work out for her either as she didn’t like the attitude she received from some people. She explained: ‘I like dealing with people, but I don’t really like a lot of b******t, so maybe customer service wasn’t the best job for me.’ Meanwhile, despite her ongoing success in the music industry, the brunette beauty, who has been dating boyfriend Safaree Samuels since she was 22 years old, is planning to put her career on hold in the near future in order to get married and start a family. She said previously: ‘I don’t want to work my whole life without ever experiencing the joys of a family. The time is not yet ripe, but when I decide to get married and become a mother, I would like to take a hiatus and dedicate myself completely to my child.’...

revealed that before she became famous, she was sacked from the restaurant called The Red Lobster after she followed a couple into the car park and swore at them for pinching her pen. Asked whether it was a special pen they’d snatched, Nicki told the November issue of GQ magazine: ‘No. It was the principle.’ The curvaceous singer also worked briefly as a customer service representative for a company in New York but that didn’t really work out for her either as she didn’t like the attitude she received from some people. She explained: ‘I like dealing with people, but I don’t really like a lot of b******t, so maybe customer service wasn’t the best job for me.’ Meanwhile, despite her ongoing success in the music industry, the brunette beauty, who has been dating boyfriend Safaree Samuels since she was 22 years old, is planning to put her career on hold in the near future in order to get married and start a family. She said previously: ‘I don’t want to work my whole life without ever experiencing the joys of a family. The time is not yet ripe, but when I decide to get married and become a mother, I would like to take a hiatus and dedicate myself completely to my child.’...

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Virgo Man and Virgo Woman: Love, Marriage, and Compatibility for Them

virgo marriage

 Individuals born between August 22 and September 22 are called Virgos or Virgoans.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac, to be exact, and that's the way Virgos like it: exacting.

Those born under this sign are forever the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical (and they can be), but their 'attention to detail' is for a reason: to help others. Virgos, more than any other sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. They are also tailor-made for the job, since they are industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good.

When both are Virgo, they value the same things in love, which is a good starting point in their relationship. Shared interests are important to both, but in this case, when two Virgos are together, it would make a little more sense to have different projects and interests as both tend to run the show.

A Virgo man is a very practical person with strong intellect and detailed information of all the aspects of life. He is usually success hungry, and takes short, calculated and precise steps to reach the desired destination. A Virgo male can easily analyze a situation and can be quite critical regarding it, if needed. When angry, he never becomes rash rather he keeps the feelings deep inside to hide them from people around him. Being sentimental is not the cup of tea for Virgo man. He fears commitment, so it takes quite some time for him to get involved in a relationship.

A Virgo woman is as an alpha female. She is an emotionally strong being who can handle anything thrown her way. She has clever wits and is a stickler who can point out flaws in almost anything but her motive is always to improve the thing and not to insult. She doesn’t look upon excessive emotion as either sensible or practical and maybe unresponsiveness to some degree which is due to her shyness. But when she chooses to love someone she loves him with all of her heart and soul. She can do anything possible for the man she loves.

Virgo man finds himself being very lucky being loved by a Virgo woman. She has anything and everything any other woman can offer besides being weak. She is determined and once she sets her mind on doing something she completes it with great achievement both in career and love. Virgo woman has great respect for her man and both the families that are a part of their lives. There is never a moment of boredom between the Virgo man and woman. They both have very bright minds, but lacks the know how to have a successful intimate relationship. Both Virgo man and woman are intellectuals and find a connection between their minds, but lack an emotional connection. If he does not attends to the passion needed by his Virgo woman he may lose her.

A Virgo man is not prince charming, so Virgo woman should never believe while involved with him that any fairy tale romance can come true in their relationship. He does not know how to romantically sweep you off his lady’s feet. If she can live without romance, then she finds herself with a very dedicated man who values his family and friends and of course his relation with his Virgo woman. There is always plenty of verbal communication between Virgo man and woman and once there is a loss for words, they can light the fire place and began leisure activities. But their frequent leisure conversations are not the meaningful conversations to enhance their relationship. It is the Virgo woman who has to take main responsibility for relationship because he often feels he has nothing to lose when a woman walks away because he enjoys being a loner.

As the love of Virgo man and woman blossoms, purity in their life is dissolved with such an unconditional love to be given to each other that make them complete and gratifies their existence. Virgo man gives her a sense of true peace and relaxation in her life while she provides him with stable support in all walks of life. Their understanding is unshakable with lots of fun and smiles to share with each other. They actually help each other to fulfill their dreams and make a dreamland come truly to existence with wisdom and love going hand in hand. There is total acceptance for each other with deep and overwhelming oneness that gives them a soothing and gentle experience for life time.

The female Virgo might find herself settling for tenderness opposed to a fierce fiery relationship in the bedroom. If they both choose to pay attention to one another they know exactly how to please each other. He carries a rigid demeanor in the bedroom which often creates quarrels between the two about lovemaking. She can become disgruntled by the long periods of retreats between making love again. She begins to think she is doing something wrong during lovemaking, causing the long periods of wait for another go in the bedroom. She starts to internalize everything and feel that he no longer desires or wants her. The lack of sex will cause her self confidence to decrease. In order for these two to have a good sexual union they have to realize that lovemaking is not something that can be analyzed or broken down into details. If all else fails, it would be good for the Virgo man to dig in a special lovemaking time weekly to make her feel loved and needed and she needs to give her man the authority in the bedroom and get completely involved in their mating.

Though Virgo man and woman share almost same interests and values, yet they have to work on their differences in accepting each other’s flaws. They need to learn how to be critical of themselves before they can resolve any issues with others. A Virgo man and woman are light minded and intelligent. Virgos are able to spend a lot of quality time together, but lack that passion to keep a great relationship alive. One has to try a little bit harder than the other to keep the intimacy thriving. Of the two, the Virgo woman is the one who holds the key to passion. In a business sense or friendship they can move mountains. It would take a lot of work to keep a romance kindling between a Virgo man and Virgo woman especially when they are involved in their favorite projects and are focusing more on their worldly affairs than their relationship.

What Heaven's Really Like: Read The Testimony Of a Brain Surgeon Who Claims He Has Been There

Magical: He said he found himself as a speck of awareness on a butterfly wing, among pulsing swarms of millions of other butterflies

This is a story of Dr Eben Alexander, a leading brain surgeon who says he's been to Heaven. His Story might just shake your beliefs.

Read Below:
When I was a small boy, I was adopted. I grew up remembering nothing of my birth family and unaware that I had a biological sister, named Betsy. Many years later, I went in search of my biological family, but for Betsy it was too late: she had died.
This is the story of how I was reunited with her — in Heaven.
Dr Eben Alexander says he was taken 'on a voyage through a series of realms' after he went into a coma when he was diagnosed with meningitis Before I start, I should explain that I am a scientist, who has spent a lifetime studying the workings of the brain. 

My adoptive father was a neurosurgeon and I followed his path, becoming an neurosurgeon myself and an academic who taught brain science at Harvard Medical School.
Although nominally a Christian, I was sceptical when patients described spiritual experiences to me.

My knowledge of the brain made me quite sure that out-of-body experiences, angelic encounters and the like were hallucinations, brought on when the brain suffered a trauma.
And then, in the most dramatic circumstances possible, I discovered proof that I was wrong. Six years ago, I woke up one morning with a searing headache. Within a few hours, I went into a coma: my neocortex, the part of the brain that handles all the thought processes making us human, had shut down completely.
Dr Eben's Alexander's 'heaven' was filled with music, animals, trees, and colours and was extremely vivid
Dr Eben's Alexander's 'heaven' was filled with music, animals, trees, and colours and was extremely vivid
At the time, I was working at Lynchburg General Hospital in Virginia, and I was rushed to the emergency room there. The doctors ascertained that I had contracted meningitis — a rare bacterial strain of E coli was in my spinal fluid and eating into my brain like acid. My survival chances were near zero.

I was in deep coma, a vegetative state, and all the higher functions of my brain were offline. Scans showed no conscious activity whatever — my brain was not malfunctioning, it was completely unplugged.
But my inner self still existed, in defiance of all the known laws of science.

For seven days, as I lay in that unresponsive coma, my consciousness went on a voyage through a series of realms, each one more extraordinary than the last — a journey beyond the physical world and one that, until then, I would certainly have dismissed as impossible.
For thousands of years, ordinary people as well as shamans and mystics have described brief, wonderful glimpses of ethereal realms. I’m not the first person to have discovered that consciousness exists beyond the body.
What is unique in my case is that I am, as far as scientific records show, the only person to have travelled to this heavenly dimension with the cortex in complete shut-down, while under minute observation throughout.
There are medical records for every minute of my coma, and none of them show any indication of brain activity. In other words, as far as neuroscience can say, my journey was not something happening inside my head.
Plenty of scientists have a lot of difficulty with this statement. My experience undermines their whole belief system. But the one place I have found ready acceptance is in church, where my story often tallies with people’s expectations.

Even the deep notes of the church organ and the glorious colours of the stained glass seem to echo faintly the sights and sounds of Heaven.

Here, then, is what I experienced: my map of Heaven.
After the blinding headache, when I had slipped into the coma, I gradually became aware of being in a primitive, primordial state that felt like being buried in earth.
It was, however, not ordinary earth, for all around me I sensed, and sometimes heard and saw, other entities. 
It was partly horrific, partly comforting and familiar: I felt like I had always been part of this primal murk.
I am often asked, ‘Was this hell?’ but I don’t think it was — I would expect hell to be at least a little bit interactive, and this was a completely passive experience. 
I had forgotten what it was even to be human, but one important part of my personality was still hard at work: I had a sense of curiosity. I would ask, ‘Who? What? Where?’ and there was never a flicker of response.
After an expanse of time had passed, though I can’t begin to guess how long, a light came slowly down from above, throwing off marvellous filaments of living silver and golden effulgence.
It was a circular entity, emitting a beautiful, heavenly music that I called the Spinning Melody. The light opened up like a rip in the fabric of that coarse realm, and I felt myself going through the rip, up into a valley full of lush and fertile greenery, where waterfalls flowed into crystal pools.
There were clouds, like marshmallow puffs of pink and white. Behind them, the sky was a rich blue-black.
This world was not vague. It was deeply, piercingly alive, and as vivid as the aroma of fried chicken, as dazzling as the glint of sunlight off the metalwork of a car, and as startling as the impact of first love.
I know perfectly well how crazy my account sounds, and I sympathise with those who cannot accept it. Like a lot of things in life, it sounds pretty far-fetched till you experience it yourself.

There were trees, fields, animals and people. There was water, too, flowing in rivers or descending as rain. Mists rose from the pulsing surfaces of these waters, and fish glided beneath them.
Like the earth, the water was deeply familiar. It was as though all the most beautiful waterscapes I ever saw on earth had been beautiful precisely because they were reminding me of this living water. My gaze wanted to travel into it, deeper and deeper.
This water seemed higher, and more pure than anything I had experienced before, as if it was somehow closer to the original source.
I had stood and admired oceans and rivers across America, from Carolina beaches to west coast streams, but suddenly they all seemed to be lesser versions, little brothers and sisters of this living water. 
That’s not to denigrate the seas and lakes and thunderstorms that I’ve marvelled at throughout my life. It is simply to say that I now see all the earth’s waters in a new perspective, just as I see all natural beauties in a new way.
In Heaven, everything is more real — less dense, yet at the same time more intense.
Heaven is as vast, various and populated as earth is ... in fact, infinitely more so. But in all this vast variety, there is not that sense of otherness that characterises our world, where each thing is alone by itself and has nothing directly to do with the other things around it.
Nothing is isolated in Heaven. Nothing is alienated. Nothing is disconnected. Everything is one.
I found myself as a speck of awareness on a butterfly wing, among pulsing swarms of millions of other butterflies. I witnessed stunning blue-black velvety skies filled with swooping orbs of golden light, angelic choirs leaving sparkling trails against the billowing clouds.
Those choirs produced hymns and anthems far beyond anything I had ever encountered on earth. The sound was colossal: an echoing chant that seemed to soak me without making me wet.
All my senses had blended. Seeing and hearing were not separate functions. It was as if I could hear the grace and elegance of the airborne creatures, and see the spectacular music that burst out of them.
Even before I began to wonder who or what they were, I understood that they made the music because they could not contain it. It was the sound of sheer joy. They could no more hold it in than you could fill your lungs and never breathe out.

Simply to experience the music was to join in with it. That was the oneness of Heaven — to hear a sound was to be part of it. Everything was connected to everything else, like the infinitely complex swirls on a Persian carpet or a butterfly’s wing. And I was flying on that carpet, riding on that wing.
Above the sky, there was a vast array of larger universes that I came to call an ‘over-sphere’, and I ascended until I reached the Core, that deepest sanctuary of the Divine — infinite inky blackness, filled to overflowing with indescribable, unconditional love.
There I encountered the infinitely powerful, all-knowing deity whom I later called Om, because of the sound that vibrated through that realm. I learned lessons there of a depth and beauty entirely beyond my capacity to explain.
During this voyage, I had a guide. She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman who first appeared as I rode, as that speck of awareness, on the wing of that butterfly.
I’d never seen this woman before. I didn’t know who she was. Yet her presence was enough to heal my heart, to make me whole in a way I’d never known was possible. Her face was unforgettable. Her eyes were deep blue, and her cheekbones were high. Her face was surrounded by a frame of honey-brown hair.
She wore a smock, like a peasant’s, woven from sheer colour — indigo, powder-blue and pastel shades of orange and peach. When she looked at me, I felt such an abundance of emotion that, if nothing good had ever happened to me before, the whole of my life would have been worth living for that expression in her eyes alone.

It was not romantic love. It was not friendship. It was far beyond all the different compartments of love we have on earth. Without actually speaking, she let me know that I was loved and cared for beyond measure and that the universe was a vaster, better, and more beautiful place than I could ever have dreamed.
I was an irreplaceable part of the whole (like all of us), and all the sadness and fear I had ever suffered was a result of my somehow having forgotten this most central of facts.
Her message went through me like a breath of wind. It’s hard to put it into words, but the essence was this: ‘You are loved and cherished, dearly, for ever. You have nothing to fear. There is nothing you can do wrong.’
It was, then, an utterly wonderful experience.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, I had been in my coma for seven days and showing no signs of improvement. The doctors were just deciding whether to continue with life support, when I suddenly regained consciousness. My eyes just popped open, and I was back. I had no memories of my earthly life, but knew full well where I had been.
I had to relearn everything: who, what, and where I was. Over days, then weeks, like a gently falling snow, my old, earthly knowledge came back.
Words and language returned within hours and days. With the love and gentle coaxing of my family and friends, other memories emerged.
By eight weeks, my prior knowledge of science, including the experiences and learning from more than two decades spent as a neurosurgeon in teaching hospitals, returned completely. That full recovery remains a miracle without any explanation from modern medicine.
But I was a different person from the one I had been. The things I had seen and experienced while gone from my body did not fade away, as dreams and hallucinations do. They stayed.
Above all, that image of the woman on the butterfly wing haunted me.

And then, four months after coming out of my coma, I received a picture in the mail.
As a result of my earlier investigations to make contact with my biological family, a relative had sent me a photograph of my sister Betsy — the sister I’d never known.

The shock of recognition was total. This was the face of the woman on the butterfly wing.
The moment I realised this, something crystallised inside me.
That photo was the confirmation that I’d needed. This was proof, beyond reproach, of the objective reality of my experience.

From then on, I was back in the old, earthly world I’d left behind before my coma struck, but as a genuinely new person.
I had been reborn.

Huray!!! Mercy Johnson little baby's name is Henry

Mercy Johnson with husband Osa Okojie and daughter Purity (2)
On Wednesday, October 15, Star actress Mercy Johnson Okojie gave birth to her second child, a baby boy at St Joseph Hospital, University of Maryland, Baltimore. 

The baby boy is the 2nd child of Mercy and her husband, Prince Odias Okojie after their widely reported marriage in 2012 , which earlier produced a baby girl named ‎’Purity’. 

We can exclusively reveal to you now that the couple has christened their new baby boy Henry Okojie. The name Henry is influenced by Prince Okojie’s admiration for the famous ‘King Henry of England’.... 

Culled from Net....

Amber Rose: I Do Not Have Time For a Man

Amber Rose

The 30-year-old model has debunked rumours she is in a relationship with Mariah Carey‘s estranged husband, Nick Cannon and insists the only person she has time for at the moment is 19-month-old Sebastian. 

Speaking to PEOPLE, she said: 
‘I’m focused on my son and my work. I really don’t have time for a man.’ 

The blonde beauty filed for divorce from the 28-year-old rapper – whose real name is Cameron Thomaz – last month, citing irreconcilable differences. She explained: ‘I’m going through a divorce and technically I’m single, but I’m just not ready for [that].’ Amber took to her Twitter account earlier this month to express her devastation over the end of her marriage and even compared her emotions to the pain felt when a best friend passes away. 

She tweeted: ‘The mornings are especially hard. ‘The pain…I wake up every morning feeling like my best friend died….. I never knew what a true heartache felt like until now. (sic).’ 

It is not known why the couple, who got married 14 months ago, called time on their relationship but rumours suggest that Amber caught Wiz cheating on her with twins sisters Jas and Ness Rose....

Why a Man Abandons His 3 Children in Boarding School for 8 Years - Read

PUNCH Metro reported that when they visited Solid Model College, the children recounted their ordeal, noting that the absence of their parents was affecting their studies.

Seun Adepegba, 14,Seyi, 10 and Titilola, 13, had been severed from parental love and care since
infanthood. After waiting for eight years, they seemed to have relinquished all hopes of reuniting with their parents.

It was learnt that their tale of sorrow began in 2007 when their father, Mr Segun Adepegba, who had been separated from their mother, enrolled them in the boarding school because he could not afford to take care of them.

According to the proprietor of the school, Mr Samuel Ayegbusi, Adepegba came to enroll them in his school on September 24, 2007 with a promise to always check on them. He said:
“Mr. Adepegba told me his wife had just left him and that he could not afford to take care of them, being a jobless man. The children were very little. Seyi was two, while Titilola was five. 
Mr Adepegba had pleaded with me to accept them in the boarding school. Mr Adepegba’s sister promised to bear the cost of their upkeep. They paid an initial N150, 000 for the three children for the first term.”
But according to the proprietor, Adepegba never kept his promise. He said after the first term, the school expected him to come and take his children home for holiday but he never showed up until four years later. He said the school had expended over N7m on the upkeep of the children since 2007.
The proprietor said efforts to reach the parents’ families had proved abortive, adding that calls to Adepegba’s phones were not always answered. He said:
“Whenever we called him and he realised who was talking on the phone, he would switch off his phones and for the next two weeks, the numbers would not be available. When the school contacted their father’s sisters, we were told that they had travelled out of the country. 
When we called one of them, we were told that they had sent money to Mr Adepegba to defray the children’s school fees and upkeep. But Mr. Adepegba has never come here to make any payment since the initial deposit he made in 2007.”
According to the proprietor, taking care of the children had further become cumbersome for him as one of them, Titilayo, had started misbehaving. He recounted how Titilayo ran away from the hostel twice without informing the school authority on the excuse that she was going to look for her father.
Ever since she was found, the proprietor said the school had had to keep her in a room, under tight surveillance, because she had vowed to run away to find her father. He said:
 “The school is not even bothered by the cost of their upkeep. But anytime the school closed for holiday and parents come around to take their children home, Titilayo would fall into a sober mood and twice, she had run away from the hostel without informing anyone. It was a resident who stopped her and brought her back to the school.
Some of the teachers, who spoke with PUNCH Metro during the visit, said the absence of the children’s parents was seriously affecting their studies. They said the appearance of their parents would boost their academic performance.

While recounting their days with their father, the children said he celebrated birthdays with them. They said they had never met their mother.

Titilayo said:
“We do not know who our mother is. We grew up in Yaba, Lagos and all we remember is that there was a woman that washed our clothes and took care of us until we came here. We knew she was not our mother.”

Seyi, the youngest of the trio, however, was an exception as she kept a cheerful look during the visit. Seyi, who told PUNCH correspondent her dream was to become a medical doctor said:
“Although I have a faint memory of my father, I will like to see him. If he comes today, I will ask him why he left us for so long.”

Seun added:
“I don’t care how long he has left us. I just want to see him. I really need to see him.” 

PUNCH Metro says when they called Adepegba on Thursday, his phones were switched off.

News Flash: Kidnappers Launch Another Attack in Kubwa, Abuja, Seize Two Sisters, and Request N30 Million Ransom

This development occurs just a week after residents of the Chikakore community expressed their grievances to the office of FCT Minister, Nye...