
Friday, November 28, 2014

Charly Boy and His Girls Stun in New Photos

PHOTOS: Charly Boy and His Girls

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PHOTOS: Charly Boy and His Girls
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PHOTOS: Charly Boy and His Girls

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Foods for Better Sex

Foods for better sex

Forget clichéd oysters and pricey Champagne - the ingredients you really need to rev up your sex life are already in your kitchen.

1/ Asparagus

The folate in asparagus increases levels of histamine, a neurotransmitter that helps you orgasm. At least that's one thing to make up for asparagus wee, then..

2/ Bananas

Bananas are actually very sexy fruits - no, not like that! They're packed with potassium, which is essential for sexual hormone production.

3/ Brown rice

Brown rice is a top source of magnesium, which your muscles need to contract

4/ Dark chocolate

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, people who eat at least one square of dark chocolate a day experience greater desire and better overall sexual function.

5/ Chilli sauce

Get saucy and turn up the heat in the bedroom with some chilli. Eating capsaicin – the chemical that gives chilli its heat – mirrors the signs of arousal (sweating, tingles, rapid heart rate, flushed cheeks). Hot!

6/ Oats

Granted, it's not the sexiest looking food but porridge has a hidden talent – it increases testosterone. Turns out that testosterone is vital for both men and women's sex drive. Who knew?

7/ Honey

Honey contains boron, a mineral that helps women’s bodies process estrogen - vital for arousal. Sweet!
Boost your boron with honey today.

Steamy Sex Positions to Heat Up Your Weekend

Steamy Sex Positions to Heat Up Your Weekend
Interested in some new moves? Here are five we recommend when you want to add some ooomph to your O. You might not love every single one, but hopefully you have fun trying them out.

The Furniture position

Skill level: Simple and laid back
You sit on the edge of a bed, couch, or chair. He gets on his knees, in between your thighs, and you go from there. Bonus: Is it hot out? This is fun to try with you on the edge of a swimming pool.

The Jellyfish

Skill level: Easy squeezie, but good balance is required
This is a face to face, girl on top position. Bonus: This one makes it very easy for you two to sync your movement which could lead to simultaneous orgasms.

The Arch

Skill level: Intermediate
This position proves that sex counts as fitness. Your legs and glutes are going to get a serious workout.

The Reverse Piledriver
Skill level: Intermediate
This is just like 69, but the guy’s on top. Your comfort is very important, so make sure he keeps his enthusiasm in check, if you know what we mean.

Sitting 69
Skill level: Advanced
You’re upside down. He’s holding you up. Warning: He’ll need to be strong enough to safely support you. (It’s all fun and orgasms until he drops you on your head.)

Wonders: Femi Kuti Reveals That DNA Test Proved That Two Out Of His Five Children Are Not His

Femi Kuti, in an interview with Encomium magazine shared to the public that two out of the five children he has shown love as the real father were not his. This he recently found out and it was confirmed from the DNA test that was conducted on Tosin, a boy, and Dupe, a girl. The two were born after his first son. So the DNA result proved they are not his biological children.

"I did a DNA test and was told two of the children are not mine. The first two (after Made), a boy and a girl. It is very serious. I never knew somebody could give you what is not yours. I’ve three boys now. I can’t father children I was tricked to believe I am their father,” he said
Femi says he has since returned the children to their mothers. 

Guy Impregnates 4 Female Prison Guards Inside Prison

Four female prison guards were shamelessly impregnated by the guy pictured above in a prison in Baltimore. He is a gang leader so powerful he boasted in the jail, 'I am the law'.

The man, identified as Tavon White, showered the female guards with gifts including cars and some very expensive diamond rings.

He reportedly made $16,000 a month from smuggling drugs and cellphones into prison with help from his accomplices.

In fact, Tavo White is so bad that an FBI wire tap captured White saying, ‘This is my jail. You understand that,’ and claiming to control everything from contraband to mob hits within the prison.
Four guards – Jennifer Owens, Katera Stevenson, Chania Brooks and Tiffany Linder – got pregnant for him while he was behind bars.

Owens had ‘Tavon’ tattooed on her neck and Stevenson had ‘Tavon’ tattooed on her wrist. The sad details came to light after authorities busted a major smuggling ring inside the prison – and 13 female prison guards, seven inmates and five co-conspirators face racketeering charges.

Guards allegedly smuggled hard drugs and mobile phones into prison in their shoes for the ‘Black Guerrilla Family’, a gang which also operates on the streets of Baltimore City.

Interestingly, the four pregnant ladies and other officers involved in the dirty deal have been suspended and the department are moving to fire them from service.

Are Avocados Fattening or Can They Help You Lose Weight? Please Read

One of the biggest and most persistent dietary myths is that it is primarily eating fat that makes you fat.

 Are avocados fattening

According to Jim Dillan of Superfoods profiles, there is such a world of difference between the various types of dietary fats that lumping them all together, as some doctors and dietitians are still doing, is almost unbelievable. 
While you could debate the merits of saturated animal fats (and some, like the very knowledgeable people at the Weston Price Institute would argue in their favor). And the trans and hydrogenated fats found in margarine and the vegetable shortening and processed oils in so many supermarket products are clearly cause for concern. There is a lot of evidence that the highly refined carbohydrates, that are so prevalent in the modern diet, are far bigger source of the growing epidemic of obesity and associated diseases.

Avocado, Calories and Monounsaturated Fats

While avocados may be considered a reasonably high calorie food (approximately 160 calories per 100 grams), around two thirds of those calories come from healthy monounsaturated fats. Research has shown that monounsaturated fats are much more likely to be used as slow burning energy for your body than saturated fat. They are also less likely to be stored as body fat.
As an added benefit, diets high in the oleic fatty acids found in avocados may help reduce your blood levels of unhealthy LDL cholesterol at the same time as raising beneficial HDL cholesterol.
Monounsaturated fatty acids also aid in the absorption of fat soluble nutrients from the meal they are eaten with. 

The nutritional properties of avocado on its own are outstanding, but when eaten in a salad or with other antioxidant rich vegetables, it can greatly increase your uptake of their nutrients as well.

Hunger and Weight Gain

Aside from the obvious health benefits of getting more out of the food you are eating, this can also help reduce excessive hunger over time. This is because the feeling of being hungry is not always associated with a real need by our bodies for more food.
Often we mistake thirst for hunger, so it’s always a good idea to have a glass of water before reaching for unhealthy snack food.
At other times, especially if you’ve eaten not that long ago, feeling hungry can be our body’s way of telling us it needs more nutrients.
When you are regularly eating nutritious foods you are less likely to feel hungry again soon after eating. In fact, with their rich taste, healthy fats, low carbohydrates and high protein and fiber content, avocados are well known to increase increase satiety – that feeling of satisfied fullness after you eat.
By comparison, meals based primarily around high carbohydrate foods like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes generally stimulate hunger by the way they raise the levels of insulin in our blood.
Is avocado fattening 
Insulin is, amongst many other important things, the hormone that removes excess glucose from our blood. It stores this, sometimes in the muscles or liver, but obviously more commonly for many people, in the adipose fat cells around the waist.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, this storage process often leads to low blood sugar, which stimulates more hunger for carbohydrates. It’s called the insulin rollercoaster for good reason and the brief highs really aren’t worth all the weight gain, tiredness and hunger so many people are putting themselves through on it.
The only good time for a high carbohydrate meal is generally after heavy exercise if you are already fit. The rest of the time there’s a much better daily energy, and a natural steady weight loss to be found in meals low in concentrated carbohydrates like grains, and based instead around a variety of nutrient rich vegetables, along with healthy sources of protein and fat.

Losing weight is rarely just about calories and ‘energy in energy out’. A rarely discussed but essential component is intestinal health and how it impacts weight gain.

Have you tried eating more not less healthy fats like those found in avocado for weight loss? I’d be interested to hear from anyone who’s had success with going against the old counting calories methodology.


Must Read: The secret ingredient for successful blogging

The internet world is a very crowded place indeed.  Everyone is pumping out content. Noise levels are soaring. 
 successful blogger
What can you do if you’re a solo-entrepreneur, freelancer, or small business owner? Can you still win business online?  You can’t produce as much content as the well-oiled marketing machines. You can’t be everywhere on all social media channels. And let’s be honest: your content can’t always be as good and creative as the content produced by the armies of marketers at big companies.  One-man-bands and three-women-teams may feel that trying to find clients online is an impossible task. They may feel they can’t compete in the battle for attention—as if their whispering is drowned out during a hard rock concert.  But small business owners have a secret weapon—an advantage that those big companies rarely possess.

Let me explain by briefly side-stepping into restaurants. Fast-food chains are about efficiency  Fast-food chains cater for the crowds. They’re managed on efficiency. Orders are fulfilled quickly and waste is minimized. The interaction between customers and staff is minimal, because lots of chatting is costly.  If I launched a small restaurant, I would do exactly the opposite of the fast-food chains. I’d offer dishes prepared with locally sourced ingredients plus a personal selection of Belgian beers and Spanish wines. I’d have pictures on the wall made by local artists and I would try to find wooden chairs and tables in second-hand stores.  As a local restaurant I can’t compete with the advertising dollars of a giant restaurant chain. But I can differentiate my restaurant and strongly appeal to a specific audience. Maybe I’d offer candle-lit dinners for romantic couples in their fifties; or I could have a restaurant with hearty meals to welcome local bicycle enthusiasts. 

Small business bloggers have an opportunity to specialize and to develop their own small fan club. They can find the people who they most enjoy working with and engage them with their distinct voice.  When we talk about blogging and content marketing, it’s easy to focus on the things we can measure: Page views, comments, social shares, number of posts, and subscribers. And if we look at the numbers, then sure: small businesses don’t stand a chance to compete with the big marketing machines.  But to win clients with a blog, you don’t need to become popular. You just need to build a small club of fans who want to listen to your voice, who are waiting for your next blog post, and who open each of your emails full of excitement.  Blogging doesn’t mean you’re just writing, pressing that publish button, and promoting your posts. Blogging is two-way communication. It’s about building relationships with your ideal readers and understanding what they’re struggling with so you can help them realize their dreams. Competitive advantage through the intangible  But a blog is about more than building authority and sharing useful tips. It’s a place to start a conversation and allow readers to get to know you and like you—because of who you are. 

It’s easy to think about the tangible aspects of a blog such as design, number of readers, and post topics. But what about the intangible aspects? In the real world a disproportionate amount of value is placed on the tangible. Things we can easily explain, or put our finger on. ~ Bernadette Jiwa 

The intangible aspects of your blog show who you are and allow potential clients to warm to you and your blog. For instance: Do you keep a certain distance like a waiter in a posh restaurant? Or do you make new readers feel welcome and at ease? Is your blog noisy and full of popups or are you calm and relaxed? Do you answer comments with bravado or humility? Do you write with passion? 

Small business bloggers might not be able to compete on content quantity and they might not be able to compete on quality either. But there’s one thing they can compete on: they can let their personality shine through to build meaningful relationships.  They can gain readers because they love hearing the blogger’s voice. They can build a community because their blog has a soul. They can win clients because they write with passion. The truth about small business blogging  Blogging isn’t about writing valuable content. Blogging isn’t about generating SEO traffic. 

Blogging IS about creating human connections.  The secret ingredient of your blog is, of course, your personality. It’s YOU.  Only you can produce content that’s speaking so clearly, so directly, so personally to your ideal clients. Your personality is unique and nobody can copy who you are. YOU make your blog stand out. YOU win clients. 

When you come to my imaginary restaurant, I don’t want you to come just for the good food or the free aperitif. I want you to come because you’ve missed me, because you want me to stop by your table for a chat about your latest business venture or your upcoming holiday.  In the same way, I believe your blog fans don’t stop by for a quick snack of tips. They read your blog posts because they want to hear your voice. They stop by because they want to “see” you and have a chat in the comment section.
The internet world is a very crowded place indeed.
Everyone is pumping out content. Noise levels are soaring.
What can you do if you’re a solo-entrepreneur, freelancer, or small business owner? Can you still win business online?
You can’t produce as much content as the well-oiled marketing machines. You can’t be everywhere on all social media channels. And let’s be honest: your content can’t always be as good and creative as the content produced by the armies of marketers at big companies.
One-man-bands and three-women-teams may feel that trying to find clients online is an impossible task. They may feel they can’t compete in the battle for attention—as if their whispering is drowned out during a hard rock concert.
But small business owners have a secret weapon—an advantage that those big companies rarely possess. Let me explain by briefly side-stepping into restaurants.

Fast-food chains are about efficiency

Fast-food chains cater for the crowds. They’re managed on efficiency. Orders are fulfilled quickly and waste is minimized. The interaction between customers and staff is minimal, because lots of chatting is costly.
If I launched a small restaurant, I would do exactly the opposite of the fast-food chains. I’d offer dishes prepared with locally sourced ingredients plus a personal selection of Belgian beers and Spanish wines. I’d have pictures on the wall made by local artists and I would try to find wooden chairs and tables in second-hand stores.
As a local restaurant I can’t compete with the advertising dollars of a giant restaurant chain. But I can differentiate my restaurant and strongly appeal to a specific audience. Maybe I’d offer candle-lit dinners for romantic couples in their fifties; or I could have a restaurant with hearty meals to welcome local bicycle enthusiasts.
Small business bloggers have an opportunity to specialize and to develop their own small fan club. They can find the people who they most enjoy working with and engage them with their distinct voice.
When we talk about blogging and content marketing, it’s easy to focus on the things we can measure: Page views, comments, social shares, number of posts, and subscribers. And if we look at the numbers, then sure: small businesses don’t stand a chance to compete with the big marketing machines.
But to win clients with a blog, you don’t need to become popular. You just need to build a small club of fans who want to listen to your voice, who are waiting for your next blog post, and who open each of your emails full of excitement.
Blogging doesn’t mean you’re just writing, pressing that publish button, and promoting your posts. Blogging is two-way communication. It’s about building relationships with your ideal readers and understanding what they’re struggling with so you can help them realize their dreams.

Competitive advantage through the intangible

But a blog is about more than building authority and sharing useful tips. It’s a place to start a conversation and allow readers to get to know you and like you—because of who you are.
It’s easy to think about the tangible aspects of a blog such as design, number of readers, and post topics. But what about the intangible aspects?
In the real world a disproportionate amount of value is placed on the tangible. Things we can easily explain, or put our finger on. ~ Bernadette Jiwa
The intangible aspects of your blog show who you are and allow potential clients to warm to you and your blog. For instance: Do you keep a certain distance like a waiter in a posh restaurant? Or do you make new readers feel welcome and at ease? Is your blog noisy and full of popups or are you calm and relaxed? Do you answer comments with bravado or humility? Do you write with passion?
Small business bloggers might not be able to compete on content quantity and they might not be able to compete on quality either. But there’s one thing they can compete on: they can let their personality shine through to build meaningful relationships.
They can gain readers because they love hearing the blogger’s voice. They can build a community because their blog has a soul. They can win clients because they write with passion.

The truth about small business blogging

Blogging isn’t about writing valuable content. Blogging isn’t about generating SEO traffic.
Blogging IS about creating human connections.
The secret ingredient of your blog is, of course, your personality. It’s YOU.
Only you can produce content that’s speaking so clearly, so directly, so personally to your ideal clients. Your personality is unique and nobody can copy who you are. YOU make your blog stand out. YOU win clients.
When you come to my imaginary restaurant, I don’t want you to come just for the good food or the free aperitif. I want you to come because you’ve missed me, because you want me to stop by your table for a chat about your latest business venture or your upcoming holiday.
In the same way, I believe your blog fans don’t stop by for a quick snack of tips. They read your blog posts because they want to hear your voice. They stop by because they want to “see” you and have a chat in the comment section.
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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Oh Really? Man Marries Tree - See Photos

A man in Colombia has married a tree.
A Peruvian actor named Richard Torres married a tree for the second times in his life on Sunday. The ceremony took place in Bogota national park and included the placing of fruit and vegetable by young girls at the base of the tree. The bride who looked rather apathetic and wooden was wearing a white veil. It should be noted that even a kissing part of the ceremony was performed.

It is the second time Torres marries a plant in an attempt to raise awareness of environmental issues.
One word for this man please….


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

10 Important Things You Should Do in 2015

Important Things You Should Do in 2015
With a new year just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about how you can make the New Year incredible. The New Year is often associated with great resolutions and brave undertakings. A new year gives you an opportunity to start a new better life. You have a chance to change things, starting right now. Define what you want to do and what you have to accomplish in the coming year. What should you start with?

Here are 10 important things you should do daily in 2015.

Maybe you will think these things are not so important, but think twice before jumping on quick conclusions.

1. Drink more water

Drink more water
It may sound silly, but most people are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can affect everything from your concentration and memory to your energy levels. Drinking more water over the next 12 months will make a big difference in your life. Most people, however, drink much less water than required simply because they don’t feel thirsty. What are the ways to drink more water every day? Splurge on a beautiful water bottle of your favorite color or unusual design. Keep the bottle close at hand and don’t forget to refill it each hour. Adding your favorite flavor such as mint or orange is also a good way to encourage you to drink more. Drink a glass of water as an appetizer before meal. This trick will also help you to eat less and lose weight.

2. Give a hug a day

Give a hug a day
Whether or not you live with someone, make a point of giving somebody a hug every day. The human contact is a great way to boost your mood and no one can resist hugging back. Hugging has a powerful healing properties; it helps to combat anxiety, loneliness, depression and many other diseases. While hugging people exchange their energy, which helps them create strong bonds and relationship. Our touches are a very powerful tool of non-verbal communication. They help to display the wide range of emotions with great accuracy. Hugging is equally important to both parties. Don’t overlook hugging your family members, friends or even colleagues the next time you see them.

3. Do something you’ve been waiting to do

Do something you've been waiting to do
Have you always wanted to visit Mexico? Are you yearning to write a book? This is the year to do it. The beginning of a new year is a good time to compose your bucket list and start realizing your dreams. No matter what your reasons are for putting your dreams off, take steps this year to reaching them. No one knows how long they will live and it may be too late if you wait too long. Don’t be afraid to dream big, to take the first step or to face the inevitable obstacles. The most important thing to remember if you want to make your dreams come true is to forget the phrase ‘What if’. Unless you get rid of this thought, you will always hesitate over a choice.

4. Write a will

Write a will
Most people agree that writing a will is a right idea, but still most of us put off this significant moment. If you don’t have a will, write one this year. It will save your family a lot of hassle if you should pass. Unfortunately, many people do not have a valid will and when they die, things can get very complicated. Make it easy on your family and make out that will. You should consider writing a will if you’re unmarried or remarried with kids from the first marriage. This way you’ll be sure that your children will be provided with a share of your property. Moreover, while writing a will you’ll reconsider and sort out your affairs and clarify the current state of things. 

5.  Save for big items

Save for big items
Whether or not you are currently in debt, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by saving up the cash for large purchases instead of putting it on the credit card or doing payments. Buying a big-ticket item always requires a detailed planning. You should make a list of the desirable items, define the price and established time frame. Alter your plan when needed either by postponing minor purchases or by cutting your expenses. If you can’t pay for it up front, you should rethink whether you really need the item.

6. Connect with people

Connect with people
Don’t let yourself sink into the world of technology. Take time to meet up with friends for coffee or lunch and get out in the world. When you connect with others face to face on a regular basis, you will find that you are much happier. Not only is face to face communication more productive, it’s also about non-verbal cues that add a personal touch and help people understand one another better. In the era of global computerization, it’s really hard not to use the Internet. But I try to limit my time online by avoiding online shopping, chatting and browsing.

7. Live according to your priorities

Live according to your priorities
What do you want to get out of life? Are you living in a way that reflects that? If not, you should take a good look at your life and decide what you need to change. You will be happier if you follow your goals. A lot of people are lost in their lives because they fail to recognize their real values and goals. Your desires are influenced greatly by media, fashion and society, which prevents you from living your own life. However, living in accordance with your inner needs is a pledge of fulfillment and content. If you feel that you live somebody else’s life, you should step back and reconsider your choices. 

8. Tell someone what they mean to you

Tell someone what they mean to you
Don’t just take those around you for granted. Take a moment to let them know how much you appreciate them. Anyone you know can be told, since it doesn’t need to be a declaration of your undying love. Compliments and kind words are valuable to both giver and receiver. Saying a kind word is the easiest way to boost somebody’s spirits and make one’s day. Tell your barista that you appreciate her sunny attitude every morning. Not only will you feel good, you’ll make a difference in someone else’s life.

9. Decide to be happy

Decide to be happy
Happiness is a state of mind. It is also a set-point and it will take you a long time to learn to be happy no matter what. It’s possible to be happy even when circumstances are against you. If things aren’t going your way, make a point of looking for a bright spot in the clouds. Yes, our well-being is greatly determined by genetics, living conditions and many uncontrolled factors. Still, happiness is something we definitely can control. It isn’t always easy, but if you dedicate yourself to being happy for an entire year, you’ll have the whole process down by the end of the year. Just find something you can be grateful for and enjoy the present moment.

10. Smile

Part of being happy is just smiling. It will make you feel better and smiles are contagious. Everyone around you will have to smile when you’re smiling. Studies show that a change in a person’s expression such as a smile leads to physiological changes and production of feel-good hormones. In other words people feel better even when they imitate a smile. A grin is a little thing, but it really has a big impact on your life and those around you.

Now that 2015 is almost upon you, it’s time to start making some goals. Defining the points that you should focus on provides a good motivation and encouragement. Remember that a new year offers you hundreds of opportunities and it’s a great time to reach your goals. You and you alone are responsible for making the next year a great one. What are your goals for 2015?

Incredible: Things to Accomplish till the End of the Year

Things to Accomplish till the End of the Year

The holiday season is almost here. Many of us are extremely busy preparing for it since we want this holiday season to be special and unforgettable. The new year is a wonderful chance to make a step into your new life. Sometimes the burden of the past and present moment doesn’t let you start a new phase of life. For the sake of future success, you should use your pre-new year time and opportunities to tie up loose ends before you move to a new circle of adventures.

Wise people and psychologists advise to free the mind of anxiety, negativity and resentment, because these feelings tie your hands. It’s not a good idea to carry all wrongs, difficulties and unresolved issues on your shoulders. Do your best to fulfill all the tasks and plans. Moreover, try to say good bye to all squabbling and dead ends of the old year. Here are things you should accomplish till the end of the year.

1. Debts and promises

Do you know that it’s desirable to pay off all your debts till the end of the year? Many superstitious people believe that a good year beginning sets the tone of its run. If you’re able to find money and satisfy all your creditors, then it’s okay. If you’re up to the neck in debt, then try to be a realist and not to stuff your head with different superstitions. Instead of falling to pieces, you’d better instill confidence in your abilities and try to work more in order to increase your profits. When you complete this task, you’ll have a chance to start living and enjoying a debt free life.

You shouldn’t also forget about your broken promises. You might have promised your sister to go shopping together, and unfortunately, failed to do it. It’s high time to keep your word, because next year no one will treat your words and promises seriously.

2. Get rid of bad habits and improve health

If you’re an active smoker, you should realize that smoking isn’t the best quality of a successful and real woman. I’m sure that you have a lot of other negative habits and little disadvantages, but it’s not a problem at all. It’s been scientifically proved that a human being is able to get rid of almost all bad habits in one day, but everything depends on the strength of your willpower. Your habits are the result of your mental decision, because people usually do things they find pleasant and it’s not easy to resist the temptation to do something wrong.

The next significant thing to do is to take care of your health. Even torpid diseases can exert strong negative influence on your emotional well-being and put a damper on your festive spirit. Find time to visit your doctor and make all necessary examinations. Remember that healthy diet and regular exercise keep the doctor away.

3. Forgive and release past hurts

Before you go to your doctor, you should try to understand yourself and let your hidden resentment go. Just draw conclusions and forget about troublesome moments. These feelings can spoil not only the holiday season, but the whole next year as well. There’re many effective ways to forgive and free your heart of negative feelings. Just take a clean sheet of paper and write down all offenses and worries that keep a tight rein on your mind. Read it aloud and tell yourself that you forgive everyone and everything. It will help your negative energy fade away.

4. Throw away unnecessary stuff

People keep a lot of unnecessary and pointless items at home. They tend to clutter their houses up due to their habit to have everything close at hand. It’s important to realize that your home is not storage. According to feng shui, these people are less successful, because their energy flow is blocked. Feng shui specialists say that those who don’t fear to give something can gain and achieve more.

I understand that every item reflects certain memories and emotions, but these emotions should remain forever in your mind, not in your house. You should be brave and determined enough to thoroughly clean your house and throw away your old things. Purification of your mind is no less important than housecleaning. Try to get rid of your obsessive and negative thoughts, and you’ll have an opportunity to take a deep breath next year.

5. Get rid of toxic people

Today both environmental problems and the consumption of junk food aren’t as dangerous for your life as direct communication with toxic people. These evil-wishers might have presented a great number of unpleasant surprises to you this year. If possible, try to cross these people out of your present life. Next year promise yourself to surround yourself only with positive people who will let your inner sun shine.

6. Make plans for 2015

It’s better to make a plan of concrete actions for the future in advance. What would you like to improve or change in 2015? It’s up to you, because you’re the only one who can set correct priorities for the coming year. Try to analyze the present year and you’ll know what spheres of your life you should improve. Many of us choose family and experience; others tend to earn more money. My boss often advises our team to focus on experience, money will follow. I support this idea.

Don’t tell yourself that there’s no time to change or finish something. I believe that most of these pieces of advice can be fulfilled in one or two days. All you need is a big desire to improve yourself. If you accomplish everything this year, you’ll be ready to face the challenges of a new year. Making plans should be a point number one in your list. This significant step will motivate you to reach for the sky and move forward next year. Do you believe that all sorrows and unresolved situations of this year can have a negative impact on the coming year? We’d like to know your opinion!

Diddy sued by man claiming he was forced to give him oral s£x on commercial set

Disgraced hip-hop mogul,  Sean "Diddy" Combs'  has been accused of s£xual ass@ult in a new civil lawsuit. An anonymous man fro...