
Monday, August 4, 2014

Uti Nwachukwu Shares Testimony on His Birthday

Nollywood actor and model, Uti Nwachukwu was a year older yesterday, Sunday, August 3, 2014. 

The handsome actor took to his social media page to give testimony of his life and expressed gratitude to God for taking him this far in life.

He said, “Today I mark another year added to my life, so many testimonies, kai, Jehovah has been super amazing to me, he has given me life, health, wealth, victory, restoration, healing, divine wisdom, protection, elevation, fruitfulness, and overflowing abundance all through Jesus Christ my personal lord and savior, who died for me, so that I could enjoy all those mentioned benefits. I thank you Jesus, I am humbled and grateful and I give you all the glory, honor, adoration, exaltation, dominion, praise worship and love in Jesus name. Amen”

He also urged his fans to say a prayer of thanksgiving on his behalf.

Happy Belated Birthday Uti.....

9 Things to Remember When You’re Having a Bad Day

Even the hardest days contain lessons that will help you be a better person. Feeling down? Consider these things to remember when you’re having a bad day.
 flowers photo:  tumblr_mavfmapipu1rcaggdo1_500.gif

1. No one promised life would be perfect.

“If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content.” -Leo Tolstoy
Don’t condition your happiness on meeting every expectation you set for yourself. It is good to be ambitious, but you’ll never be perfect. If you expect otherwise, your life will be rife with disappointments.

2. Success doesn’t happen overnight.

“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.” -Molière
Don’t kid yourself into thinking success will come quickly. It isn’t easy to be patient, but anything worth doing requires time (often, lots of it!). If you get frustrated, remind yourself why your goal is important.

3. There is a lesson in every struggle.

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
-Haruki Murakami
Don’t complain about how terrible your life is. It is tempting to do, but stressing out won’t make you feel any better. If you search for the lesson in your present struggle, you’ll be able to make positive changes that would prevent similar situations in the future.

4. Without hard times, you wouldn’t appreciate the good ones.

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger
Don’t get sad if you lose. It is hard to find much to smile about when you fail, but how else would you improve yourself? If you look at failure as a part of your evolutionary process, you’ll stay positive and pursue your goals for as long as it takes.

5. It’s okay to cry sometimes.

“Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots.” -Elizabeth Gilbert
Don’t be afraid of crying. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather an acceptable way to let go of your upset feelings. If you let those feelings build up without release, you’ll have a much harder time dealing with them later.

6. It’s not okay to worry forever.

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” -Corrie ten Boom
Don’t worry about everything. It is human nature to obsess with all the things that could go wrong, but this will result in a self-inflicted mental nightmare. If you forget about the things you can’t control, you’ll be empowered to to concentrate on the things you can.

7. No one’s life is as picturesque as it looks.

“How much time he gains who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only at what he does himself, to make it just and holy.” -Marcus Aurelius
Don’t compare your life to what another person reflects online. It is okay to interact with your friends online, but don’t believe everything you see. If you feel like your life pales in comparison, realize that you are comparing yourself to a highlight reel of their lives.

8. It takes courage to ask for help.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” -Martin Luther King Jr.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help. It is tough to put yourself in a vulnerable position, but opening up to a friend will help you deal with your troubles. If you feel like a burden, remember that no one would have achieved much if they didn’t ask for support when they needed it.

9. You deserve love and happiness.

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.” -Abraham Lincoln
Think of something you are thankful for right now. It could be the cup of coffee you had this morning, the sweet puppy you’ll be going home to tonight, or the healthy set of eyes that allowed you to read this article. It’s so easy to lose sight of these little things when we’re upset. I challenge you to break that trend. The next time you get upset, think about something that makes you happy. Repeat this behavior until it becomes second nature. Your negative thoughts will have no power over you if you learn to stop lingering on them.

How 2 Pupils of The Same Parents Disappear From School In Enugu With No Traces (Photo)

Just like the parents of the Chibok schoolgirls abducted more than 100 days ago, the parents of two toddlers have been in misery and agony since June 30, 2014, when the children failed to return from school.
The two little children, three-year-old Chisom Nweke and her sibling, Somtochukwu who is 18 months, have not been seen for almost 35 days. Until they were declared missing, the toddlers were pupils of Master’s Vessel Academy, a private school in Obeozalla Nkanu West Local Government Area, Enugu State.
Heart-rending tale about the missing kids began when the proprietress of the school, Mrs Dorothy Okafor, had to undertake an assignment outside the school and handed over to her deputy, 35-year-old Uchechukwu Onah, to take charge of the school. No not long after Okafor left, Onah allegedly dismissed the pupils at noon instead of the normal 4.00pm closing time of school.
Hell broke loose when the father of the children came at the usual time to pick them up and discovered that the toddlers could not be found.
The Enugu State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Adamu told Sunday Sun that the mother of the children then alerted the proprietress of the school, who immediately summoned all the teachers to gather, but Onah herself could not be found. A report was made to the State Criminal Investigation Department and Anti-Human Trafficking Unit of the Enugu State Police Command.
Explaining what followed, Adamu said: “We arrested all the teachers of the school and took them to the State Criminal Investigation Department, Enugu, where we screened them. They were all released later. When we called Onah she told us that she was sick and we started looking for her until July 3, 2014 when policemen in Agbani, Nkanu West LGA arrested her.”
Telling her own side of the story, the proprietress of the school, Okafor said: “I was shocked when I heard that two pupils of the same parents in my school were missing. I was away from the school on assignment. Before leaving I handed over the school to my deputy. Immediately I left she dismissed the pupils around 12.00pm instead of 4.00pm. So when I heard that two pupils were missing, I had to call all the teachers. When they came, I didn’t see Mrs Onah.
Policemen from the State CID came and arrested all the teachers, took them away screened everybody and later released them. But I couldn’t find Onah and I was worried. We started looking for her. She called me and said she was sick. She said she couldn’t come out and see me. Four days after the children were missing she still refused to come out. So policemen in Agbani, Nkanu West went and arrested her.”
As would be expected, the father of the missing children is distraught and agonizing over the whereabouts of the toddlers. He said: “These are the only two children I have. We always go to the school to pick them around 4.00pm. But on that day we came we learnt that the school had closed around 12.00 pm. I was worried and we started looking for my two children. The teachers that were present in the school also assisted us but we were unable to locate my children.”
While acknowledging that she was on duty on the fateful day, the prime suspect in the case, Onah, said she stayed back in the school after all the pupils were dismissed to go home.
Her words: “When everybody left I didn’t go home and I later heard that a certain parent didn’t see his children. The daughter of the school proprietress told me that one of the primary pupils took them home. When they called me I told the proprietress that I was sick. I was at home when the police came and arrested me.”
The police are still trying to unravel the misery behind it, and implore members of the public to come forward with any useful information that can lead to the recovery of the children.

15 Don’ts that Happy Couples Follow

A happy relationship is a myth.Truth is that to keep the ball running is painstakingly tough.The facade behind the Facebook posts, pictureuploads and smiling faces is something no one else knows except the two people involved in the ongoing tussle. All couples go through some hair-ripping and teeth clenching moments, but there are some happy couples who focus on some particular Don’ts.

Yes you heard it right, Don’ts and not Do’s.
These are some particular Don’ts that happy couples follow to keep the spark alive,each day.

1. They don’t keep count.

Happy couples never keep count of their duties.They are oblivious to their daily chores yet they are not stickler for rules. The once in a while slip ups are obvious and the other person lets it off. If one is watching the sports telecast, the other quietly does the laundry even when it’s not her turn. Likewise, if she’s late from work, she will be greeted by the warm smell of a freshly cooked dinner.

2. They don’t use the words “I or Me”.

Happy couples love to engage in talk that covers both of them. When relating their experiences to people about certain things, they use the words “We” and “us” rather “I”, “me” or “myself”.Their togetherness quotient is reflected by the sheer pride they have while discussing their collective thoughts.There are opinions that may differ at times,but then they learn to agree to disagree and enjoy the differences.

3. They don’t sleep over it.

However small the issue at hand is, happy couples don’t sleep over their fights.Rather than taking the problem to bed and prolonging it till next morning,they talk over it.Of course if one is angry they do need a breathing time to cool down and reflect on the harshness of their voices but then they eventually come around.

4. They don’t count their chickens before they hatch.

Happy couples don’t expect all of their hopes to be fulfilled.They realize that they are in charge of their own happiness and not the other person.The wife realizes that it is her dream to go backpacking for the holidays not her husband’s so she saves up for it.The husband knows that he wants to see the Grand Prix but doesn’t want to when his wife is expecting. They realize that dreams are meant to be there, some come true, others don’t.

5. They don’t think about the problem, they talk.

Lots of problems go unresolved when the couple keeps it inside.Most of the times the pent up is to avoid hurting the other person or to over aggravate the fight. Little do people realize that this results in tumultuous outcomes. Happy couples don’t keep their hassles inside, they vent it out.Of course the result might not always be great and may hurt the other person, but for the sake of a fruitful relationship,it’s vital.

6. They don’t argue, they discuss.

Fights are an inevitable part of a relationship and we know that. If you are not fighting there must be something wrong with the way you two behave with each other. Tiny differences are allowed for the loving make up sessions that follow. Happy couples have a trend of keeping it low when they fight, instead of arguing with each other, they reason and see the other side of the story.Of course at times it’s difficult to listen to the other person’s outbursts but they still do.

7. They don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

Happy couples stay away from the melodrama and underplay their issues.They learn eventually to avoid noticing the mistakes that their partner has made and focus on the positives sides.The wife ignores that her husband missed helping her with the laundry as he was talking with his friend over the phone.The husband eats the half baked cake anyways as he knows the wife had too much work on her hands.

8. They don’t cheat,they express honestly.

Life is too short for lies especially with the person with whom you are supposed to grow old with. Sharing a roof, they are going to find out about it eventually.Happy couples keep the cheating stuff off the table.They don’t cheat their partner in anything, may it involve a mere phone call or planning for a trip. Being blatant is way better than lying only to break your promise at a later date. At the unfortunate event of the marriage not going anywhere, they tell their partners up front rather than date another person simultaneously.

9. They don’t procrastinate.

They deal with things or chores before they get too ugly. Whether it is about doing the dishes, booking the movie tickets, planning for a trip or discussing about the expenses, they prefer to do it right away when the thought is fresh in their minds. Also delaying the tasks at hand might be offending to the other person.

10. They don’t play the family card.

Happy couples have two simple rules concerning family. They don’t drag the family into fights and they don’t compare one another to their family members. Fights are concerning both and they remain confined within the four walls of the room. Happy couple’s families are blissfully unaware of the problems. Neither do they use statements like “Why don’t you cook the food the way my mother does?”.

11. They don’t use the self-pity trick.

Happy couples recognize that self pity and self loathing gets you nowhere. Instead you are despised by the other person.In the event of a fight, happy couples never say things like “You are so cruel to me” or “”What did I do to deserve this?”. At times their emotions get the better of them, but they still try to keep it subtle by changing the topic or asking the other person calmly what made them react this way.

12. They don’t cling on,they give space.

Happy couples love doing things together that they enjoy. But they recognize that they both need individual moments of glory, too. There are some things that you enjoy that they other person doesn’t. Instead of clinging on and coaxing the other person to do what you want, you have to encourage your partner to do what they want.People in a happy relationship don’t give up their dreams, neither do they let the other person forget theirs.

13. They don’t always have their way.

Happy couples recognize that in relationships sometimes you need to think more about the other person than about yourself. They focus on giving rather than receiving. As a result the other person always feels comforted that his or her interests and thoughts matter.

14. They don’t find life OK, they find it awesome.

Happy couples always have something to look forward to .Of course life does get monotonous at times but they pep it up with surprises, vacations and friday nights.When questioned by others how life in general is they always say “It’s Rocking”.

15. They don’t stop trying.

Everyone goes through a rough patch but happy couples really know how to pull it all together.Maybe they are having endless discussions without reaching a solution.Maybe they are not agreeing on the new school that their daughter is about to join. Or maybe their work lifes are driving them crazy. But they never stop trying to find compromises.

Lastly, happy couples are normal couples. They are not celebrities whose everyday life is a movie. Happy couples are the ones who survive the tiring days, the endless house work,the non stop cooking sessions, the hectic weekdays and the lazy weekends.While they are running to their workplaces, doing the dishes, vacuuming the house and refueling the car, they still find time to celebrate their love.

Tragedy: An Insane Woman Stones her Baby to Death in Abia State

A young men­tally challenged woman caused a stir in Aba, Abia State at the week­end when she gave birth to a set of female twins on a heap of refuse and stoned one to death be­fore the police were in­vited.

angry woman photo: angry teacher angryteacher.jpg 
DailySun reports an unknown person impreg­nated the woman, in her mid 20s and whose name could not be ascertained as at press time, late last year. Sources said that in the wee hours of Saturday, she
gave birth to two girls without any as­sistance on top of a heap of garbage close to an AGIP filling station at Alaoji, along the Ikot Ekpene Road, near Aba.

It was gathered that after giving birth to the babies, they  fell asleep and when one of the babies started crying, she woke up used a stone she found within the place to hit her and the child died before she could be rescued.

Sensing that the life of the second baby could also be in danger, residents of the area alerted the police and the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) for Ogbor Hill Division, Mrs. Helen Nze, was said to have led a team of policemen to the refuse dump. The police rushed the baby that was still alive to a private hospital, where she was cleaned and given medication, and deposited the dead one in a mortuary.

Checks by Daily Sun revealed that police might have concluded plans to hand over the baby to the Welfare Department of Aba South Local Govern­ment after the necessary documentations because of the inherent danger in allowing the baby to stay with her mother

A young men­tally challenged woman caused a stir in Aba, Abia State at the week­end when she gave birth to a set of female twins on a heap of refuse and stoned one to death be­fore the police were in­vited.

DailySun reports an unknown person impreg­nated the woman, in her mid 20s and whose name could not be ascertained as at press time, late last year. Sources said that in the wee hours of Saturday, she
gave birth to two girls without any as­sistance on top of a heap of garbage close to an AGIP filling station at Alaoji, along the Ikot Ekpene Road, near Aba.

It was gathered that after giving birth to the babies, the insane woman fell asleep and when one of the babies started crying, she woke up used a stone she found within the place to hit her and the child died before she could be rescued.

Sensing that the life of the second baby could also be in danger, residents of the area alerted the police and the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) for Ogbor Hill Division, Mrs. Helen Nze, was said to have led a team of policemen to the refuse dump. The police rushed the baby that was still alive to a private hospital, where she was cleaned and given medication, and deposited the dead one in a mortuary.

Checks by Daily Sun revealed that police might have concluded plans to hand over the baby to the Welfare Department of Aba South Local Govern­ment after the necessary documentations because of the inherent danger in allowing the baby to stay with her mother. - See more at:

Why a Married Man Killed His Lover In Abia State

The Abia State Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps has paraded a 45-year-old married man for allegedly killing his concubine on the suspicion that she was dating another lover.
The suspect, Nwokeoma Ohuaba, a native of Akpama Ugba in Osisioma Local Government Area of the state was said to have been infuriated having caught her with another man during an unscheduled visit.
He was said to have hit her in the head with a piece of iron in the ensuing altercation as he attempted to confront her while the alleged intruder fled for his dear life.

Public Relations Officer for NSCDC, Abia State, Victor Ogbonnaya, who paraded the suspect on behalf of the state Commandant, Andy Dateer, said the arrest was made following a tip off.
He gave the victim’s name as Charity Onwutaebe, a widow and mother of three to her late husband.
According to NSCDC, the victim was accused by the suspect to have attacked him first but could not withstand his superior response , thus collapsing instantly as they fought each other.
She was said to have died later in a hospital at Obingwa where the suspect had hurriedly rushed her claiming she was involved in a domestic accident.
According to NSCDC, when the suspect noticed that the victim might not survive, “he disappeared and refused to come for her, but the hospital management tricked him by telling him that she has recovered and needed provision and food and when he came he was arrested.”
NSCDC said the suspect would be handed over to the police for further investigations and prosecution, acknowledging the synergy among security agencies in the state .
Later in an interview, the suspect claimed that the deceased was his wife and not his concubine as alleged by NSCDC, adding that he married her after the death of his first wife.
He said they were quarrelling over a phone when she first hit him with the iron but “when I retaliated with the same iron she collapsed.”

The suspect also denied absconding but explained he only went to mobilise for funds after making an initial deposit of N5,000 out of N10,000 which he was asked to pay, but upon his return, the victim had passed on.

I Do Not Wish My Next Husband To Come From Nollywood: Actress Chika Ike

Nollywood actress, Chika Ike, says she does wish her next husband be from the Nollywood industry so as to enable them have a better understanding.

According to actress, people may have varied opinion, but she would not wish her husband to be in the same industry.

"Personally, I wouldn't want my lover to be in the same industry with me so that we can have a balanced family. I can't even imagine marrying somebody having my type of schedule; it will be difficult to manage. And that's the reason I admire Joke Silver and Olu Jacobs; it is amazing how they handled it over the years," she stated.

Chika further disclosed that after trying her hands in various businesses, she is currently planning on going into real estate business because that is where the money is.

The actress and her former husband broke up in 2011 due to an irreconcilable differences. (

When The Wrong One Loves You Right - What will you do?


I have heard people said this many times but i still don't understand the meaning behind it. 

I know we have loved someone that doesn't deserve us and we may have ignored some great guys and girls who genuinely loved us. How ironical. Sometimes we barely have control over our emotions, we easily fall in love without giving deep thought about the person we want to give our heart to. But surprisingly we get disappointed, hurt, and heartbroken. 

Life is cruel/unfair indeed. 

Guys and ladies, what is your say about this giving examples, possibly life experience to this issue?

Kim Kardashian Reunites with Paris Hilton in Spain: Like Old Times

Ibiza, Spain is the center of the celebrity gossip world these days.
As you may have heard, Orlando Bloom tried to punch Justin Bieber last week after the two exchanged words over Miranda Kerr.
Then, fire and brimstone nearly destroyed us all when Bieber hung out with Kim Kardashian and kompany during a birthday party for designer Riccardo Tisci.
Also on Friday evening, apparently, Kim caught up with old friend Paris Hilton, posing for an Instagram picture with the ex-A lister:
Kim Kardashian with Paris Hilton
"Reminiscing about the 1st time we went to Ibiza in 2006! @parishilton it was so good to see you & catch up!! Loves it lol," Kardashian wrote as a caption.

It seems impossible to believe now, but Kim once served as Hilton's assistant, back when Paris was the talentless reality star mocked by most people around the world. Then the Kim Kardashian sex tape was released. Then Kris Jenner mastered the art of marketing. And then the rest became nauseating history.
Hilton will soon release her second studio album in an attempt to once again be relevant, but she'll need a lot more than terrible vocal skill to surpass Kim's baffling fame at this point.

Ebola: Lagos State Gov. Warns T.B. Joshua Not to Accept Victims

TB Joshua - November 2013 - BellaNaija

The pastor who is known for accepting individuals who have health conditions, to pray for them  has been urged by the Lagos State Government not to accept Ebola victims if they come to him for healing.

 According to The Nation officials of Lagos State Ministry of Health and the Federal Government, led by the Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, visited him seeking his cooperation in ensuring victims of the deadly virus are not brought to his church for healing. Synagogue is a popular destination for sick people who go there for divine healing.

"We have our strategies that we intend to share with you. Again, we need to know the resources you have here because whether it is one or two cases, if they are allowed to get out, it is a major problem. We are here to work together on how to contain this disease,” Idris told the cleric." Dr Idris reportedly told Joshua. Continue...
The commissioner added that the visit is one of the state government’s strategies of sensitizing faith-based organizations on the need to cooperate with the government to prevent the spread of the disease in the country by educating the worshipers to report health issues to medical experts.

Idris said the Federal and Lagos state government are working hard to prevent a spread of the virus into the country, the delegation has deemed it fit to educate and create awareness among the multinational congregation on the disease and how it can spread.
“We are here to engage you positively, we know the powers of this House and your powers and we are duty- bound to protect you and your congregation. We have no doubt the power God has given you, we can’t do that, but we want to help and make it work stronger,” Director, Centre for Disease Control (CDC), Professor Abdulsalami Nasidi, another member of the congregation told the prophet

Diddy sued by man claiming he was forced to give him oral s£x on commercial set

Disgraced hip-hop mogul,  Sean "Diddy" Combs'  has been accused of s£xual ass@ult in a new civil lawsuit. An anonymous man fro...