
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

This woman says she is the only begotten daughter of God and future bride of Christ!

Lily Grace coverLily Grace
Meet US preacher and prophetess, Susie S. Mozell-Smith, who recently published a book titled Lily Grace - a book that talks about the end times!
In an interview with the Nation, she spoke on her encounters with God, how Satan is using Obama to destroy the world, the end times and other prophetic issues.

Read below:

 "Lily Grace is a book that God has given to the world to prove that he is the one and only God and he does this by telling the world that he is the element Hydrogen and from it he created all things. The book is one that reveals some hidden secrets of God that has never been uttered to another prophet or prophetess, all backed by scripture. The title Lily Grace is the new name that God named me. I am God’s only begotten daughter. When God first told me I was his daughter, I thought he meant because I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, therefore making me a child of God. But what he really meant was that I am his only begotten daughter. What a shock! The full story will come out in the near future, in my next book."

What informed your decision to write the book at this time?
I wrote the book because God gave me the instructions to do so and he gave me the knowledge by leading me to the scriptures to back up the information.

You spoke extensively on your encounters with God; can you share some with us?
I had many encounters with God; however, my first one was the most profound one when he answered me and said, “Write a Book.” Another encounter was when he lead me to the scriptures about John the Baptist and began telling me that you know John prepared the way and you are paving the way for Jesus Return. So to me it was okay and I thought that was it. I said to myself why me? Then I later found out that I am the future Bride of Christ. The third shocker was when he told me he has a wife and I said, you got to be kidding me, this don’t make sense. He told me that after he informed me he is hydrogen, Jesus is carbon, the Holy Spirit is oxygen and Satan is nitrogen. Then he later says my wife is helium. I said okay and did not think too much on it, after all God said it, so it is true. This is when I found out Jesus was going to have a wife and it would be me. You will read the full story in my next book. I also had some encounters with Satan; one of them was a few days after God spoke to me to “Write a Book.” I almost badly injured my right hand and I knew then Satan was out to stop me, but he can’t and won’t. God is in control of my life.

Would you say that the reign of Lucifer, will end soon??
I say the reign of Lucifer will end when God says it is time.

With the current happenings across the globe, what do you think the role of preachers should be?
I think the role of preachers should be to stand up for God and tell the truth, stop diluting God’s word, and going along with things that God is against.

Has your book being well received in the USA where you reside?
The USA is influenced heavily by Satan. It is hard to get a story in the news especially one about God. People in the USA and all over the world, have heard so many times that an individual have heard from God, so people have dumbed down the things of God.

Would you say that there are efforts to keep your book from getting out to the world?
I have been blocked many times from sending tweets about “God has spoken the end times are here” and that God has given me a book to prove it. Once I made contact with ACJ my message would disappear or I would get blocked from sending messages. I first contacted the President three months after God had spoken to me in regards to writing the book “Lily Grace,” to let him know. I have tried to reach him by phone, mail and through the White House web site and the President has not once responded to me in over a year. I even sent a book to the White House with a letter attached. I have also sent over 15 books to the Washington, DC area with letters as well. I sent two to NASA, then I called and spoke to someone explaining why they are finding water in outer space. I have yet to receive a response from NASA as well. Satan is working hard to keep this book from reaching the world.

What is your view of the growth of Christianity in Africa?
I think Satan has done everything he can to stun the growth of Christianity in Africa. Africa is the birth place of civilization, the fertile soul that man came from which is the starting point and strength of Christianity. Christianity in Africa is growing in spite of all Satan’s evilness. Christianity in Africa has strong roots that runs deep and will continue to thrive and grow.

What is your assessment of the Obama administration? 
The Obama administration is controlled by Satan, which is very bad. God is taken out of schools, work places, and the military, but Gays get the red carpet treatment and they are honored for coming out. This is happening in the world because Satan is in full force.My job as the End Time Prophetess is to set things in order and to pave the way for Jesus Return.

How do you deal with somethings that seem so big and challenging?
I don’t, I let God handle it. I know that God loves me and Jesus loves me and the Holy Spirit is forever present. I am thankful and most grateful. I feel like I am not good enough for such an honor. But I am God’s choice. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. (John 15:16). What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

Is the book on sale now?
It has been over a year now that God has spoken to me to ‘Write a Book’ and it has been seven months since it has been released for sales. The world needs to know the truth. A story like this that is backed up by the word of God needs to be Headline Breaking News on every media outlet for the world to know, but here in the good old USA, God is put not at the top of the list, in fact he is being moved off and Gays have been added, no thanks to Satan. “God has spoken and we are in the beginning of the last age.”

ladies; Kate Henshaw has got some words for you! (Please Read)

"BUTT IMPLANTS GONE WRONG: Ladies please be happy with the body you have but if you are not, DO something about it!.... Exercise! ...Get fit!!! There is NO SHORT CUT!!"

Photos:- Annie Idibia Gushes about her two beautiful daugthers

9 Habits That Endanger Your Health; What Every Woman Should Know


While most of us make it a point to eat healthy and exercise as often as possible, we tend to ignore other simple things that actually take a toll on our well-being. Myne Whitman has just pointed out some habits that endanger our health. Find out if you are compromising on your health everyday by indulging in these habits that you must say goodbye to pronto.

Wearing heels often: Do your back and feet a favour and keep the high heels only for special occasions. Victoria Beckham and Kim Kardashian may swear by their towering stilettos but they also have a battery of help to cater to their every need. An alarming number of women have started wearing heels on a daily basis, or every other day. And experts say that wearing high heels affects posture, puts a lot of pressure on joints, and at times even lead to conditions like painful bunions, hammer toes, back pain and arthritis. Not to mention the risk of twisting your leg and falling down.
Damage control: Ensure that if you have to wear heels often, they aren't more than 1.5 inches. Alternatively, carry a pair of flats while you travel and wear heels only for some time. Rest your feet after wearing heels by soaking feet in warm water.

 Lugging around a heavy handbag: Most women's handbags weigh an average two to five kilos. Shocked? You should be. The sheer number of things women keep and carry in their handbags can scare most men off. But carrying around such heavy bags put your health at risk, you're inviting health problems like back, neck and shoulder pain. Your posture also goes for a toss, lugging around a heavy bag will make you slouch sooner or later.

Damage control: Make it a habit to empty your bag every week or two and carry only absolutely necessary items. Or even better, switch to a smaller bag to avoid the temptation of putting more things in your handbag.

Not removing your makeup at night: Sometimes even the most meticulous women give in and don't remove their makeup before turning in at night. While this cardinal sin is a strict no-no, what you should know is that leaving makeup on all night is inviting skin problems. Your face needs to be cleaned of the makeup, dirt and oil at the end of the day or you will face problems like clogged pores, tired looking skin and pimples. Wearing eye makeup overnight can cause eye irritation or even infection.

Damage control: Keep a bottle makeup remover and cotton swabs right next to your bed so that no matter how tired you are, you can just reach out and remove the makeup.

Trying to outdo men at drinking: Among those women who feel they can drink as much as men if not more? Do yourself a favour and stay away from such drinking competitions. On an average, women not only weigh lesser than men, they also have lesser body water to dilute the alcohol, meaning they get drunk faster. Not to mention the damage you do to your liver by these binge drinking sessions.

Damage control: Let the men drink themselves silly. Recognise your limits and stick to them.

Wearing ill-fitting bras: Over a whopping 65% of women are thought to wear the wrong sized bra. And wearing an ill-fitting bra can have repurcussions like neck, back and breast pain, bad posture, skin irritation and even breathing problems. Not only will your clothes sit badly on you but you will also slouch a bit.

Damage control: Go to a lingerie store and get yourself measured by an expert so that you know your exact size. And since women's bodies tend to change, get yourself measured once a year.

Dwelling over the past: When you refuse to let go or stop thinking of your past or worrying incessantly about the future, you are damaging your present as well your future. Mental stress can drain you of energy and affect you in more ways than you realise. And according to studies, women have a higher chance of suffering from stress-related disorders than men.

Damage control: If you find yourself depressed or anxious, ask yourself what is causing it. Is it a broken relationship or health woes? Address the problem at the root and don't be afraid of asking for help.

Worrying about looks: Vanity affects both the sexes but it affects a far larger number of women than men. And women have a range of body issues, which can take a toll on them mentally. Going on numerous diets, having eating disorders and undergoing excessive cosmetic surgery can cause you physical harm.

Damage control: Toss those beauty magazines in the trash and improve your body image by making a conscious effort. Be happy with what you've been given.

Emotional eating: When was the last time you reached out for that comfort food and guiltily ate it? Women are genetically more emotional than men while comfort eating affects both sexes, it is said that men tend to eat emotionally when they're happy and women when they are upset. And women tend to satiate their cravings with sweet, high calorie foods instead of healthier options.

Damage control: Next time instead of allowing the cravings to get the better of you (and your waistline), distract yourself with something other than food.

Not sleeping enough: Do you get your eight hours of sleep every night? Or do you scrimp and then sleep all weekend? Don't blame a hectic lifestyle or stress on not getting enough sleep. Not only can inadequate sleep make you feel lethargic, it can also make you look like hell, apart from causing accidents, overeating and an increased heart disease risk. Sleep affects your blood pressure and mood more than it affects men.

Damage control: Go to sleep early as often as you can and wake up at the same time everyday.

Tunji sends Beautiful Message To Wife Tiwa Savage

The message comes on the heels of the censure the singer received following the release of her controversial video "Wanted".

Rihanna Goes Completely Naked In Sheer Dress To Collect 2014 CFDA Icon Award! -


I don’t know why Rihanna bothers wearing clothes at all! I am waiting for the day she will turn up to an event completely starkers, it’s not like she can’t do it!
The singer was last night (June 2, 2014) honoured by the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) with The Fashion Icon Award at the Lincoln Center, New York City. And to collect her prize bad gal Riri was a showstopper in a completely sheer dress that showed off ALL HER ASSETS…NOTHING LEFT TO IMAGINATION. I mean NADA!
Her dress was a custom-made Adam Selman fishnet dress, gloves and scarf that was embellished by hand with over 216,000 Swarovski crystals. A Jacob & Co. ring, Paul Morelli ring and earrings completed her look for the night!

Read what her stylist Mel Ottenberg had to say about the scandalous dress:

It’s so n**ed, I don’t know if it’s shocking—I’m with her all the time, so my shock gauge is off, but I told her that I thought she was ready for this dress a while ago, and that I wasn’t. I’m the prude, and I’m just catching up.

He added,

So many people didn’t sleep last night, I would say at least eight people worked nonstop from 8 p.m. last night to 3 p.m. today putting on the finishing touches.

The dress designer Adam Selman said about the dress,
We definitely wanted to make it a little bit scandalous, The dress is just fishnet and crystals and a couple of fingers crossed. But fashion is about beauty, and the [female] body is part of that.
 2014 CFDA Fashion Awards - ShowRihanna+Arrivals+CFDA+Fashion+Awards+ENA_GMGpplLl

What Do Think About Rihanna's Look? (1960 Chick)

I don’t know why Rihanna bothers wearing clothes at all! I am waiting for the day she will turn up to an event completely starkers, it’s not like she can’t do it!
The singer was last night (June 2, 2014) honoured by the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) with The Fashion Icon Award at the Lincoln Center, New York City. And to collect her prize bad gal Riri was a showstopper in a completely sheer dress that showed off ALL HER ASSETS…NOTHING LEFT TO IMAGINATION. I mean NADA!
Her dress was a custom-made Adam Selman fishnet dress, gloves and scarf that was embellished by hand with over 216,000 Swarovski crystals. A Jacob & Co. ring, Paul Morelli ring and earrings completed her look for the night!
Read what her stylist Mel Ottenberg had to say about the scandalous dress after the jump

- See more at:

17-Year-Old Nigerian Student Commits Suicide

                              Omotayo Adeoye

 17-year-old Nigerian-American High School Student, Omotayo Adeoye who was after her suicide attempt is dead.


Omotayo, a student of Harlem High School for Math, Science and Engineering was said to have committed suicide by jumping off George Washington Bridge on May 29, 2014 after being humiliated in front of her classmates for cheating on a test.
She reportedly wrote a suicide note right on her German-language exam that read, “I just want to go away forever on the bottom of the river.”
Adeoye subsequently asked to use the bathroom but never returned. She left school and walked to the edge of the Hudson River and jumped in and drowned herself.

Photo: Check Out This Amazing Make-up Transformation

This lady has tribal marks, and the make-up artist made her look like she never had one.
The power of makeup. Chai!

UniAbuja Lecturers Begin Indefinite Strike Over Problems With Vice-Chancellor

UniAbuja lecturers yesterday began an indefinite strike over what they termed misappropriation of funds and misuse of power by the Vice-Chancellor of the university.
According to one of them, Ben Ugheoke, funds allocated to the institution were being misappropriated and the Vice-Chancellor, James Adelabu, was misusing power. He alleged that the vice-chancellor deliberately refused to pay their teaching, marking, supervision and professional allowances dating back to 2010.
He told journalists today, that the strike will continue till their appropriate dues are paid and when things get back to shape in the university.

I Will Marry In 5 Years Time—Ice Prince

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Nigerian rap artiste, Ice Prince Zamani, has disclosed that he is not yet ready for marriage as he has a lot of things to still achieve before settling down with a woman.

The Chocolate City artiste stated that he needs to make more money and possibly build a house in Banana Island area of Lagos before taking a woman home.

Ice Prince, 27, pointed out that he does not have a brother or mentor who got married at the age of 27 and as such, still has five more years to think of marriage.

“I am just 27 years old. I don’t have any brother or mentor that got married at 27. So, I have about five years to go. I have to make more money and build a house in Banana Island before I take a woman home," Ice Prince reportedly said.

He added that he does not mind the size of the lady, all he wants from the woman is honesty.

Two suspected drug dealers arrested with 120 wraps of cocaine in Lagos

  The Lagos State Police Command has arrested two suspected drug dealers for possession of 120 pellets of a substance suspected to be cocain...